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Review Chapter 21. cara, Joy cai,rw I rejoice avkouomen We hear.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Chapter 21. cara, Joy cai,rw I rejoice avkouomen We hear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Chapter 21

2 cara, Joy

3 cai,rw I rejoice

4 avkouomen We hear

5 ble,pw I see

6 ble,peij You see

7 ble,pousi They see

8 cai,rousin They rejoice

9 pisteu,eij You believe

10 avkou,ousin They hear

11 avpokri,nomai I answer

12 avpokri,netai He answers

13 avpokri,nh| You answer

14 avpoktei,nw I kill

15 avpoktenw/ I will kill

16 avposte,llw I send from

17 avpostelw/ I will send from

18 ai;rw I raise up, take up

19 avrw I will raise up, I will take up

20 bapti,zw I baptize

21 bapti,sw I will baptize

22 basileu,j King

23 ginw,skw I know

24 gnw,somai I will know

25 glwssa Language, tongue

26 evgei,rw I raise up, wake

27 evgerw I will raise up, wake

28 eivdh,sw I will know

29 evkba,llw I throw out

30 evkbalw I will throw out

31 evkei/ There, in that place

32 e;rcomai I come

33 evleu,somai I will come

34 za,w I live

35 du,namij Ability Power;

36 zhte,w I seek

37 kale,w I call

38 kri,nw I judge

39 lale,w I speak

40 vIoudaia Judea

41 vIoudaioj Jewish Jew

42 vIsrah,l Israel

43 karpoj Fruit, crop

44 lao,j People

45 mei,zwn Greater

46 me,nw I remain

47 oi=da I know

48 o[loj Complete Entirely (Holistic)

49 o`ra,w I see

50 o[yomai I will see

51 proskunew I worship Literally: “I kiss toward”

52 lalou/men We speak

53 nux Night

54 oi=da I know

55 poreu,omai I go

56 sto,ma Mouth

57 e;cw I have

58 poreu,omai I go

59 e;rcomai I come; I go

60 auvto.j bapti,sei u`ma/j evn pneu,mati a`gi,w|Å He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:8)

61 sw|,zw I save

62 kai. kale,seij to. o;noma auvtou/ VIhsou/n\ auvto.j ga.r sw,sei to.n lao.n auvtou/ avpo. tw/n a`martiw/n auvtw/nÅ …and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).

63 avpo. tw/n karpw/n auvtw/n evpignw,sesqe auvtou,j From their fruit you will know them (Matthew 7:16).

64 evn tou,tw| gnw,sontai pa,ntej o[ti evmoi. maqhtai, evste( eva.n avga,phn e;chte evn avllh,loijÅ In this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love in one another (John 13:35).

65 o` ga.r lalw/n glw,ssh| ouvk avnqrw,poij lalei/ avlla. qew/|\ ouvdei.j ga.r avkou,ei( pneu,mati de. lalei/ musth,ria\ For one speaking in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries. (1 Cor 14:2). Speaking

66 krinei/ ku,rioj to.n lao.n auvtou The Lord will judge His people (Hebrews 10:30)

67 auvtoi. evk tou/ ko,smou eivsi,n( dia. tou/to evk tou/ ko,smou lalou/sin kai. o` ko,smoj auvtw/n avkou,eiÅ They are of the world; therefore they speak of the world, and the world hears them. (1 John 4:5)

68 o` qeo.j fw/j evstin kai. skoti,a evn auvtw/| ouvk e;stin ouvdemi,aÅ God is light and there is no darkness in him at all (not one) (1 John 1:5)

69 VEa.n ei;pwmen o[ti koinwni,an e;comen metV auvtou/ kai. evn tw/| sko,tei peripatw/men( yeudo,meqa kai. ouv poiou/men th.n avlh,qeian\ If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not do the truth (1 John 1:6)

70 eva.n de. evn tw/| fwti. peripatw/men w`j auvto,j evstin evn tw/| fwti,( koinwni,an e;comen metV avllh,lwn kai. to. ai-ma VIhsou/ tou/ ui`ou/ auvtou/ kaqari,zei h`ma/j avpo. pa,shj a`marti,ajÅ but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7)

71 avlla. e;rcetai w[ra kai. nu/n evstin( o[te oi` avlhqinoi. proskunhtai. proskunh,sousin tw/| patri. evn pneu,mati kai. avlhqei,a|\ But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth (John 4:23) Worshipers

72 le,gei auvth/| o` VIhsou/j\ pi,steue, moi( gu,nai( o[ti e;rcetai w[ra o[te ou;te evn tw/| o;rei tou,tw| ou;te evn ~Ierosolu,moij proskunh,sete tw/| patri,Å Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shall you worship the Father” (John 4:21) Mountain

73 Blepei o[ avdelfo,j ta pro,swpa auvtw/n The brother sees his face

74 evn tou,tw| ginw,skomen o[ti avgapw/men ta. te,kna tou/ qeou/( o[tan to.n qeo.n avgapw/men kai. ta.j evntola.j auvtou/ poiw/menÅ In this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and we do His commandments (1 John 5:2)

75 plei,wn / plei/on Larger, Greater, More

76 oi=da, sou ta. e;rga kai. th.n avga,phn kai. th.n pi,stin kai. th.n diakoni,an kai. th.n u`pomonh,n sou( kai. ta. e;rga sou ta. e;scata plei,ona tw/n prw,twnÅ I know your deeds, and your love and faith and service and perseverance, and that your deeds of late are greater than at first. (Revelation 2:19)

77 thre,w I keep; I guard

78 ta.j evntola.j auvtou/ throu/men We keep his commandment

79 ouvk e;stin ou-toj para. qeou/ o` a;nqrwpoj( o[ti to. sa,bbaton ouv threi/ This man is not from God, because He does not keep the Sabbath (John 9:16)

80 avllV oi=da auvto,n( kai. to.n lo,gon auvtou/ thrw/ But I know him, and I keep his word (John8:55).

81 to,te Then

82 to,poj Place

83 pisteu,ousin oi` a;ndrej tou/ to,pou evkei,nou The men of that place believe

84 tuflo,j blind

85 e;comen We have

86 cai,romen We rejoice

87 avkou,ete Ya’ll hear

88 pa,ntej avnqrwpoi pisteu,sousin eivj auvto,n All men will believe in Him

89 avmh.n avmh.n le,gw u`mi/n o[ti e;rcetai w[ra kai. nu/n evstin o[te oi` nekroi. avkou,sousin th/j fwnh/j tou/ ui`ou/ tou/ qeou/ kai. oi` avkou,santej zh,sousinÅ Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear shall live. (John 5:25) having heard

90 zhtei/ He seeks

91 zhtw/ avnqrw,pouj tou/ qeou/ I seek men of God

92 auvto.j u`ma/j bapti,sei evn pneu,mati a`gi,w| kai. puri, He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and Fire (Luke 3:16) Fire

93 avlla. dia. th/j ca,ritoj tou/ kuri,ou VIhsou/ pisteu,omen But through the grace of the Lord Jesus we believe

94 evxousi,an e;cei o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou the son of man has authority

95 ble,pete kai. avkou,ete to.n no,mon You see and you hear the law

96 pisteu,omen eivj to. o;noma tou/ ui`ou/ tou/ qeou/ We believe in the name of the Son of God

97 kai. avnqrwpoi evpi. th/j gh/j cai,rousin And men upon the earth rejoice

98 evcomen to.n no,mon tou/ Cristou/Å We have the law of Christ

99 su. pisteu,eij o[ti ei-j evstin o` qeo,j You believe that there is one God (James 2:19)

100 su. pisteu,eij eivj to.n ui`o.n tou/ avnqrw,pouÈ Do you believe in the son of man?

101 pisteu,omen eivj Cristw/| We believe in Christ

102 le,gw ga.r u`mi/n o[ti oi` a;ggeloi auvtw/n evn ouvranoi/j dia. panto.j ble,pousi to. pro,swpon tou/ patro,j mou tou/ evn ouvranoi/jÅ For I am telling you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my father in heaven.

103 kai. evn tou,tw| cai,rw And in this I rejoice (Phil 1:18)

104 lu,w lu,eij lu,ei Sng lu,ome n lu,ete lu,ousi n Pl I Loose You Loose He Looses We Loose Ya’ll Loose They Loose lu,omai lu,h| lu,etai luo,meq a lu,esqe lu,ontai Active Voice Passive/Middle Voice

105 lu,omai I am loosed / destroyed

106 lu,etai He is loosed / destroyed

107 avgapw/mai I am loved

108 kalou/ntai They are called

109 blepetai He is being seen

110 lu,h You are loosed / destroyed

111 ~O ga.r pa/j no,moj evn e`ni. lo,gw| plhrou/tai( evn tw/|( VAgaph,seij to.n plhsi,on sou w`j e`auto,nÅ For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the one, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself.“ (Gal 5:14) Neighbor

112 ~O presbu,teroj evklekth/| kuri,a| kai. toi/j te,knoij auvth/j( ou]j evgw. avgapw/ evn avlhqei,a|( kai. ouvk evgw. mo,noj avlla. kai. pa,ntej oi` evgnwko,tej th.n avlh,qeian The elder to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in truth; and not only I, but also all those having known the truth (2 John 1:1) Having known

113 e;stai meqV h`mw/n ca,rij e;leoj eivrh,nh para. qeou/ patro.j kai. para. VIhsou/ Cristou/ tou/ ui`ou/ tou/ patro.j evn avlhqei,a| kai. avga,ph|Å There shall be with you grace, mercy, peace from God the father and from Jesus Christ the son of the father in truth and love (2 John 1:3) mercy

114 pa,lin de. o;yomai u`ma/j( kai. carh,setai u`mw/n h` kardi,a( kai. th.n cara.n u`mw/n ouvdei.j ai;rei avfV u`mw/nÅ But I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you (John 16:22)

115 dia. tou/to kai. h` sofi,a tou/ qeou/ ei=pen\ avpostelw/ eivj auvtou.j profh,taj kai. avposto,louj( kai. evx auvtw/n avpoktenou/sin For this reason also the wisdom of God said, “I will send to them prophets and apostles, and some of them they will kill” (Luke 11:49).


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