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The Gospel. Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Convicted of Judgment Gap Convicted of Righteousness Convicted of Sin.

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Presentation on theme: "The Gospel. Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Convicted of Judgment Gap Convicted of Righteousness Convicted of Sin."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gospel

2 Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Convicted of Judgment Gap Convicted of Righteousness Convicted of Sin sin John 16:8: Jesus said, “When he [the Spirit] comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin righteousness and righteousness judgment and judgment.”

3 Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Convicted of Righteousness Convicted of Sin Convicted of Judgment G R A C E Ephesians 2:8-9:... [Salvation is] by grace through faith...

4 Conversion Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Convicted of Righteousness Convicted of Sin Convicted of Judgment G R A C E Repent! Believe! Ephesians 2:8-9:... [Salvation is] by grace through faith...

5 Conversion Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Justification ABC’ s The Gospel is just the ABC’ s of the Christian faith... G R A C E

6 Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness G R A C E Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness

7 G R A C E G R A C G R A G RG R G Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness

8 G R A C EG R A C G R A G RG R G Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness

9 G R A C E G R A C G R A G RG R G Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness

10 G R A C E G R A C G R A G RG R G Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness awareness A growing awareness Not my identity Not growing more sinful

11 I expect that as I move along, I should have less and less experience of sin in my life. There should be a growing victory in my life; a victory of growing increasingly into Christ-likeness! I should be seeing less and less sin in my life... Yet, paradoxically, at the same time, God wants me seeing more! God wants me to see the depth depth of the sin in my heart.

12 G R A C E G R A C G R A G RG R G Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Jeremiah 17:9: The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

13 If I am growing I should have less to confess!

14 Awareness of God’s holiness Awareness of God’s holiness Awareness of my sinfulness Awareness of my sinfulness

15 Awareness of God’s holiness Awareness of God’s holiness Awareness of my sinfulness Awareness of my sinfulness


17 G R A C E G R A C G R A G RG R G Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness AwarenessAppreciation Growing Awareness and Appreciation of the Cross Conversion

18 G R A C E G R A C G R A G RG R G Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness the cross Galatians 6:14: May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.. of our Lord Jesus Christ...

19 “Aslan,” said Lucy, “you’re bigger.” “That is because you are older, little one,” he answered. “Not because you are?” “I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.” Prince Caspian “Aslan,” said Lucy, “you’re bigger.” “That is because you are older, little one,” he answered. “Not because you are?” “I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.” Prince Caspian

20 G R A C E G R A C G R A G RG R G In Himself In Himself, God is more majestic and holy than I ever dared imagine! In myself In myself, I am more sinful and rebellious than I ever dared believe! In Jesus In Jesus, I am more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope!

21 G R A C E G R A C G R A G RG R G Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness AwarenessAppreciation Growing Awareness and Appreciation of the Cross as well as Experience Growing Experience of the Cross in My Life Conversion

22 Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness E C A R G Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Sanctification A to Z ’s The Gospel is the A to Z ’s of the Christian faith! Transforming Grace Justification Saving Grace

23 G R A C E Conversion Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness

24 Awareness of the Cross Awareness of the Cross Awareness of God’s holiness Awareness of God’s holiness Awareness of my sinfulness Awareness of my sinfulness

25 G R A C E G R A C G R A G RG R G Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Living a Gospel Centered Life Gospel Fluency 1.Think 2.Respond

26 G R A C E G R A C G R A G RG R G Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Living a Gospel Centered Life Becoming Gospel Fluent 1.Proactive 2.Reactive

27 What do I learn about God? What do I learn about the Cross? What do I learn about humanity (especially myself)? Is there anything I need to confess and repent of? Is there anything I need to believe?

28 G R A C E G R A C G R A G RG R G Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Becoming Gospel Fluent 1.Proactive 2.Reactive 2 Corinthians 10:5:... we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

29 My Current Situation Live the False Narrative False Self Talk False Narrative 1 2 3 4

30 My Current Situation Live the Gospel Narrative False Self Talk Repent & Believe False Narrative The Gospel Narrative 1 2 34 5 6 Becoming Gospel Fluent Living a Gospel Centered Life

31 What in the narrative is contrary to the Gospel? What aspect of the Gospel am I not believing? What points in my thinking are denying the Gospel? What elements of the Gospel do I need to apply to my thinking and living on this point? What do I need to confess or repent of? What is it that I need to believe about the Gospel?

32 G R A C E G R A C G R A G RG R G Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Living a Gospel Centered Life Becoming Gospel Fluent Repent! Believe! "Run to the Cross"

33 Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness

34 Conversion Awareness Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Grace Mercy Power Forgiveness Love

35 Conversion Growing Awareness of My Sinfulness G R A C E Awareness Growing Awareness of God’s Holiness Lack of Vulnerability and Self-Disclosure

36 Living a Gospel Centered Life in Community!

37 What do we learn about God? What do we learn about the Cross? What do we learn about humanity (especially myself)? Is there anything we need to confess and repent of? Is there anything we need to believe?

38 Living a Gospel Centered Life in Community! How are you walking with God through this?

39 Living a Gospel Centered Life in Community! What does the Gospel have to say about this?

40 My Current Situation Live the Gospel Narrative False Self Talk Repent & Believe False Narrative The Gospel Narrative 1 2 34 5 6 Becoming Gospel Fluent Community Vulnerability Living a Gospel Centered Life

41 What in your narrative is contrary to the Gospel? What aspect of the Gospel are you not believing? What points in your thinking are denying the Gospel? What elements of the Gospel do you need to apply to my thinking and living on this point? What do you need to confess or repent of? What is it that you need to believe about the Gospel?

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