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. What this class will cover 1.Property covered, not covered and how to add back in key categories of property 1.Building.

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Presentation on theme: ". What this class will cover 1.Property covered, not covered and how to add back in key categories of property 1.Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 . What this class will cover 1.Property covered, not covered and how to add back in key categories of property 1.Building 2.Your Business Personal Property 3.Personal Property of Others 1

2 . What this class will cover 2.Coinsurance on Property and Business Income 3.Blanket and Margin Clauses 4.Ordinance or Law Issues as it relates to Buildings, Personal Property & Business Income 5.Building Ordinance versus Zoning Laws 2

3 . Building Coverage a.Building, meaning the building or structure described in the Declarations, including:  Note: it says “including” but does not say “including and limited to”.  Remember: any items listed also must be considered for valuation/coinsurance purposes 3

4 . Building Coverage 1.Completed additions 2.Fixtures, including outdoor fixtures 3.Permanently Installed Machinery and Equipment 1.CP 1415 Additional Building Property 4

5 . Building Coverage 4.Personal Property Owned by you that is used to maintain or service the building..including:  Note: it says “including” but does not say “including and limited to”. 5

6 . Building Coverage 5.If not covered by other insurance  Additions under construction, alterations or repairs  Materials, equipment, supplies….used for making additions, alterations  Note: Covered under other insurance, on this policy, another policy in the name of the insured or other insurance not carried by the insured 6

7 . Building Coverage—Property Not Covered d. Bridges, roadways, walks, patios or other paved surfaces f. The cost of excavations, grading, backfilling or filing g. Foundations of buildings, structures, machinery or boilers if their foundations are below k. Bulkheads, pilings, wharves or docks 7

8 . Building Coverage—Property Not Covered l. Retaining walls that are not part of a building m. Underground pipes, flues or drains 8

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