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Back to School Night Agenda Welcome and Introduction Sign in Sheet & Email Daily Schedule Curriculum State Standards Foundational Skills Classroom Discipline.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night Agenda Welcome and Introduction Sign in Sheet & Email Daily Schedule Curriculum State Standards Foundational Skills Classroom Discipline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night Agenda Welcome and Introduction Sign in Sheet & Email Daily Schedule Curriculum State Standards Foundational Skills Classroom Discipline Homework and Grading Policies Report Cards & Progress Reports Field Trips & P.E.

2 Class Schedule 2015-16 8:15 - 8:30 Pledge/Attendance 8:15 – 8:30 Cursive 8:30- 9:00 Writing 9:00-10:00 Language Arts 10:00 – 10:15 Recess 10:15 – 11:20 Math 11:20 - 12:00 Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 Reading & Universal Access 1:00 – 1:30 Social Studies/Science 1:30 - 1:50 P.E. 1:50 Dismissal

3 State Standards Language Arts Main idea with text based evidence Supporting details Writing across the curriculum Using transition words Editing and publishing

4 MATH The understanding of multiplication, division, and fractions all year long The use of multiple strategies to solve problems Communicating reasoning through writing and speaking Showing all work as evidence of understanding

5 Keyboarding Goal for third grade is 10 words per minute

6 Social Studies Community and Change

7 Science Life Science – Living Things and their Environment Physical Science – Energy Earth Science – Solar System Investigation and Experimentation

8 Writing Opinion Trimester 1 - 3 Narrative Trimester 1 Informative Trimester 2

9 Our class will be visiting the library Tuesdays 8:30-9:00

10 Compute r Lab

11 Technology

12 http://www.khanacademy.org

13 Students need to use their Google account login information to access the web programs at home.

14 Using Technology in the Classroom

15 School Wide & Classroom Behavior & Discipline

16 Roadrunners are: Respectful Responsible Caring & Healthy

17 Classroom Rules: 1. Listen Carefully 2. Follow Directions 3. Work Quietly 4. Respect Others 5. Respect School and Personal Property 6. Work and Play Safely Discipline Procedures: 1. Warning 2. Recess time 3. Call Home 4. Meeting with Parents 5. Principal (Severe Disruption)

18 Grading

19 Grading Scales 5 = Advanced90 -100% 4 = Proficient80 - 89% 3 = Basic 70 - 79% 2 = Below Basic54 – 69% 1 = Far Below Basic 54% and below

20 Trimester 1: August 20 – November 13 Trimester 2 November 16 – March 4 th Trimester 3 March 7- June 9th

21 Valley Center Elementary Website & TPC Website

22 /

23 Directions for logging into the Student Portals Student’s username is the student’s ID number. Their password is the first letter of their first name, the first letter of their last name, followed by their six digit birthdate. (2 digit month, 2 digit day, 2 digit year) So, Nathan Curt would use his student id# & nc082404 (August 24, 2004)

24 Haiku Learning Access Homework Class Information 3 rd Grade Adopted Text Books


26 Trimester 1: August 20 - November 13 Trimester 2: November 16 - March 4 Trimester 3: March 7 - June 9

27 Oklahoma State University

28 Character Education Program The six pillars of character Michael Josephson


30 Trustworthiness : blue Think "true blue" Respect : yellow/gold Think the Golden Rule Responsibility : green Think being responsible for a garden or finances; or as in being solid and reliable like an oak Fairness : orange Think of dividing an orange into equal sections to share fairly with friends Caring : red Think of a heart Citizenship : purple Think regal purple as representing the state

31 Field Trips & Activities




35 Katherine Curt 749-1631 ext. 275 Email address: Classroom website is: urt.Ka/mrs.curt3rdgrade/cms_page/ view

36 Snacks

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