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Ms. Bartsch’s Class. Overview In this Social Studies Class, students will study the events that took place in the United States and the many people that.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Bartsch’s Class. Overview In this Social Studies Class, students will study the events that took place in the United States and the many people that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Bartsch’s Class

2 Overview In this Social Studies Class, students will study the events that took place in the United States and the many people that helped shape those events. They will also learn events and aspects of world civilizations and how those came about. Critical thinking, study and organizational skills will very much be required in this classroom. As the Texas Education Agency has implemented a new assessment instrument to be taken in the spring of the 11th grade year, we will be working very hard to make sure that all students have the skills necessary.

3 Supplies Ink pens (black ONLY) (preferably ball point) Pencils (#2) Standard loose leaf notebook paper (no colors) Highlighters Ruler 1 USB Flash Drive—to save projects etc. Several Spiral notebooks (small/ 70 pages) 1 or 2 manila folders Binder (no larger than 1 ½ 1 pack of colored pencils 1 pack of construction paper or colored paper for projects Several packs of index cards (3x5) Several times throughout the year other materials may have to be purchased as we work on projects for a particular time period.

4 Treat others as you wish to be treated!

5 Class Rules 1. Have all classroom materials. (pen, paper, textbook)

6 Class Rules 2. Food, gum, beverages, straws, etc. are not allowed in mouth or in the classroom unless specifically authorized.

7 Class Rules 3. Be attentive and working.

8 Class Rules 4. Be respectful and courteous to all.

9 Class Rules 5. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

10 Class Rules 6. You may not harm/ hurt yourself, others or things.

11 Attendance You are required to be in class 90% of the time. If you are going to be absent you MUST have an excuse and must present it to the attendance office.

12 Attendance It is the responsibility of the student to consult the teacher upon return to class for makeup. The student has 3 days to complete all makeup from an absence. The makeup time begins the day the student returns to class. The best time for this is before or after school.

13 I do not GIVE grades. You EARN them.

14 Grading Procedures Students will be graded on the following: 40 percent will be Major Grades such as: Chapter Tests / Unit Tests/ Six Weeks Exams 60 percent will be Minor Grades such as: Daily Assignments/Homework/ Quizzes/ Projects/Notebooks Essays/ Dilemmas / Rough Drafts / Research Reports, etc. Participation in class discussions and cooperative learning activities Midterm/ Year End Exams can constitute 20 percent of the semester grade

15 Late Assignments, Incomplete and Make- up Work: All assignments are to completed and turned in on time. Incomplete work will be graded as if it was finished and all unanswered questions will be wrong. Late work will receive a grade of 50 regardless of the reason for it being late but will not be accepted if more than 3 days late. Makeup after an excused absence is to be turned in three days after return to class. It is the student’s responsibility to check on what is missed during an absence after school not during class. ALL work is to be completed by the end of the six weeks.

16 Class Guidelines 1.Cleanliness a.Students are expected to leave the room clean b.Students are responsible for helping to clean up. 2.Attendance a. Students are expected to be in class each and every day on time with required materials; b.if a student is late the school consequences will apply. 3.Property a.Do NOT write on anyone else’s property (this includes the school‘s). b.If it is not yours, DON’T touch it. Leave other people’s stuff alone. This includes the teacher’s desk and belongings or supplies kept in the room.

17 Don’t touch anything without permission.

18 Respect others AND their property

19 Class Guidelines 4.Visitors a. Respect all teachers, visitors and peers. b.Students are to remain seated and focused on the lesson. The teacher will take care of any visitors. c.Students are not to talk to visitors or anyone walking in the hall unless directed to do so by teacher. 5.Class Behavior a.You must be in your seat or be counted absent; and be doing the daily drill, journal or other warm up. b.The bell does NOT dismiss the students; the teacher does. c.Make up or hair combing is to be done at home or in the restroom. d.Do not bring unauthorized materials such as beepers, cell phones, radios etc. These are subject to be taken by the teacher and turned into the office. There will be a fee charged for return of property. e.NO Gum, candy, food or drinks are allowed in the building.

20 Class Guidelines 6.Discipline a.Disciplinary situations will be handled according to the student code of conduct. b.DRESS CODE violations will be referred to the office. c.ALL school bags are to be clear or mesh ONLY. 7.You will not be allowed to leave class except under the following conditions: A)a pass from the office B)an extreme emergency When leaving, outside or returning to room, students are to be quiet as not to disturb others.

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