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First findings of the research “Victim rehabilitation and re-integration” Mapping of the situation in Albania, B&H, FYROM and Greece Project of ARIADNE.

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Presentation on theme: "First findings of the research “Victim rehabilitation and re-integration” Mapping of the situation in Albania, B&H, FYROM and Greece Project of ARIADNE."— Presentation transcript:

1 First findings of the research “Victim rehabilitation and re-integration” Mapping of the situation in Albania, B&H, FYROM and Greece Project of ARIADNE network “Developing effective re-integration models for trafficked persons in the Western Balkans” Athens, June 2014

2 METHODOLOGY General data  Duration:February-September 2014  Geography:Albania, B&H, FYROM and Greece (4 participating countries)  Methods:a) Questioning of NGO experts; b) Interviews with participants of the Roundtable in Athens; c) Desk research.

3 METHODOLOGY Aims The overall aim of the research is to collect info with respect to currently existing situation in regarding rehabilitation and (re)integration of :  Victims of trafficking in human beings (VTHB);  Violence (domestic violence and other kind of violence) victims (VV) - mostly women and children. The collected info should lay the foundation for elaboration of: a Manual on Models of Victim Rehabilitation& Re/integration in the Western Balkan Region.

4 METHODOLOGY Tasks  Legal and regulatory aspects of national policy and level of standardization of the (re)integration procedure;  Institutional framework/stakeholders responsible for victims‘ rehabilitation & (re)integration);  Typical profiles of victims and statistics;  Monitoring and evaluation of (re)integration processes;  Other organizational aspects of (re)integration (budgeting, coordination, capacity building of professionals);  Respect of human rights of victims;  Existing problems/gaps, good practices and success stories.

5 FIRST FINDINGS Countries obligations 1. CoE Convention on action against THB ( art.16 p.5 – obligations to favour victims reintegration into society, incl. into education system and labour market) Signed and ratified by all participating countries 2. 2. CoE Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (art.20 p.1 - obligations to ensure the access to services facilitating the recovery of VV from violence, incl. legal and psychological counselling, financial assistance, housing, education, training and assistance in finding employment) Signed and ratified by Albania and B&H; Signed by FYROM and Greece

6 FIRST FINDINGS Legal and regulatory framework  Terminology issues: lack of clear concept of victim re- integration and definitions of “re-integration”, “rehabilitation”, “social rehabilitation”, etc. ( with the exception of FYROM)  High level of abstraction of legal provisions concerning the rights of VTHB & VV for assistance in reintegration/recovery  Lack of standard operating procedures of rendering assistance for VTHB & VV and their connection with budgeting process

7 FIRST FINDINGS Institutional framework and NGOs role  State stakeholders  NGOs – service providers for VTHB & VV  International organizations (IOM, Terre des Hommes, etc.) Current problems:  State does not consider NGOs as an equal partners and does not allocate financial support/does not purchases services from NGOs (with the exception of Greece)  Lack of NGOs providing the assistance in re-integration of VTHB and VV at local level

8 FIRST FINDINGS Typical profile of victims  Mostly women / women with families/children  VTHB - 20-40 years old; VV- 1-60 years old  Rural and urban area  Low educational level  No professional education  No permanent job  Low economic/income level  Low social level/living in a problematic (poor and dysfunctional) family environment/social welfare beneficiaries  Health problem

9 FIRST FINDINGS Individual re-integration plan  All questioned NGOs: use individual re-integration plan, elaborated together with victim cooperate with another service providers  Factors affecting success of re-integration:  Supporting environment (family, friends)  Social environment  Level of financial independence of victim and individual circumstances  Duration of assistance  Problems in re-integration process:  Access to long term support and some essential services  Time-consuming and high-cost services  Employment

10 FIRST FINDINGS Monitoring and evaluation  Internal monitoring and evaluation (M&E)  External M&E (state and donors)  Different approaches of questioned NGOs to use of indicators for M&E:  No needs in indicators  Scientific approach (indicators elaborated by NEXUS institute for re- integration of VTHB)  Internal indicators :  number of beneficiaries  information and services provided  number of beneficiaries who managed to get employment

11 FIRST FINDINGS Others aspects of re-integration  Budgeting Lack of resources at local level No adequate funding for NGOs  Coordination Bureaucratic barriers  Capacity building more specialized trainings (identification, re- integration, etc.)

12 Contents of Manual/Guidelines on models of victim rehabilitation and re-integration (draft)  Importance of re-integration of VTHB and VV and s for human rights protection  Definition of re-integration  Scope of re-integration and approaches  Re-integration process Guiding approaches and principles Factors affecting success of re-integration Individual plan of re-integration  NGOs role in rendering assistance in re-integration of VTHB and VV

13 Questions for discussion: Differences in model of rehabilitation and re- integration of VTHB and VV:  Terminology (reintegration and recovery)  Profile of victims  Needs and services  Factors affecting success of re-integration

14 THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Ms. Tatiana Fomina Analytical & Juridical Department Manager International Center “La Strada”, Moldova

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