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Human Trafficking : The Ugly Truth. Human Trafficking: Using FORCE, FRAUD, or COERCION of people to make money through forced labor or prostitution.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Trafficking : The Ugly Truth. Human Trafficking: Using FORCE, FRAUD, or COERCION of people to make money through forced labor or prostitution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Trafficking : The Ugly Truth

2 Human Trafficking: Using FORCE, FRAUD, or COERCION of people to make money through forced labor or prostitution

3 Ugly Truth #1 North Carolina is infested with human trafficking, both forced prostitution and forced labor. The presence of our highway system (I 95, I85, 64 and 40) makes North Carolina a hotspot for traffickers to conduct their terrible trade.

4 Human Trafficking Statistics Human trafficking generates $9.5 billion yearly in the United States. (United Nations) Approximately 300,000 children are at risk of being prostituted in the United States. (U.S. Department of Justice) The average age of entry into prostitution for a child victim in the United States is 13-14 years old. (U.S. Department of Justice) A pimp can make $150,000-$200,000 per child each year and the average pimp has 4 to 6 girls. (U.S. Justice Department, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children) The average victim may be forced to have sex up to 20-48 times a day. (Polaris Project) Fewer than 100 beds are available in the United States for underage victims. (Health and Human Services) Source: statistics-source-documentation/United NationsU.S. Department of Justice U.S. Justice Department, National Center for Missing and Exploited ChildrenPolaris ProjectHealth and Human Services

5 Department Of Justice has identified the top twenty human trafficking jurisdictions in the country:” Houston El Paso Los Angeles Atlanta Chicago Charlotte Miami Las Vegas New York Long Island New Orleans Washington, D.C. Philadelphia Phoenix Richmond San Diego San Francisco St Louis Seattle Tampa (Department of Justice) A pimp can make $150,000-$200,000 per child each year and the average pimp has 4 to 6 girls. (U.S. Justice Department, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children) One in three teens on the street will be lured toward prostitution within 48 hours of leaving home. (National Runaway Hotline)Department of JusticeNational Runaway Hotline



8 Ugly Truth #2 Children and young people are targeted specifically by pimps, or traffickers, to be forced into prostitution. This is done through a process called “grooming”. Often, traffickers will seem to be friendly, clean cut, normal people to others. This is done to deceive others about their intentions.

9 Traffickers can be men or women who seek to befriend a young person in order to trick them into running away with them. This is done through a process called “grooming”. This process can occur in person OR on the Internet. Pedophiles and traffickers constantly search in chatrooms that young people frequent for anyone they can charm. Parents must protect their children by monitoring their online activities and social events. Traffickers look for any way they can to lure unsuspecting kids and teenagers to run away with them. By then, it is too late to stop them from being sold into prostitution or forced labor.

10 “Grooming” is used by traffickers to convince potential young victims to believe they are loved or valued. Traffickers use this to trick young people into going away with them. By then, it’s too late! DON’T BE FOOLED!!!

11 Is your child, or are other kids, being GROOMED????

12 GET HELP!!!!

13 Don’t believe the LIES that traffickers tell your children! Know the signs that they are being groomed!

14 How to tell if you are being “groomed”: 1. Someone you met at the mall, a fast food place, a bowling alley, an amusement park, an arcade, a skating rink, or online, is paying extra attention to you, buying you gifts, listening to you, and spending a lot of time with you. 2. That person keeps on telling you how beautiful, cool, and special you are and how unappreciated and misunderstood you are by your family. 3. That person tries to convince you that he or she can offer you a much better life if you go away with him or her. If you recognize these signs, CALL 1-888-377-7888!


16 Ugly Truth #3 Trafficking occurs in every kind of neighborhood and enslaves children, teens, and young adults!


18 “Is this not the fast I have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke?” Isaiah 58:6


20 SAFE Support, Advocacy, Fight, Educate

21 SAFE is a local organization that was formed to respond to the growing epidemic of human trafficking in the Nash, Edgecombe, and Wilson County areas. Made up of concerned citizens from a variety of walks of life, SAFE seeks to spread the message of support and prevention of this horrible evil through any means available. Our focus is to join arms with others in our community to advance our message.


23 We are on Facebook!

24 SAFE meets quarterly on the fourth Thursday of each month at Eastpointe Mental Health at 10:00 a.m. Check us out on Facebook or online!

25 What can I DO about human trafficking? 1. EDUCATE YOURSELF about the realities of human trafficking. 2. REMAIN ALERT in your community, work, the mall, your church, or anywhere you go. 3. REPORT anything suspicious to Sgt. Morris at 252-343-3173 and the National Hotline. 4. CONSIDER joining our efforts through active participation or financial support.

26 YOU can make a difference for someone! YOU may be the ONLY person who will make a difference for someone!

27 Will you?

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