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A program of ITEST (Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) funded by the National Science Foundation Background Session #5 Polymerase.

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Presentation on theme: "A program of ITEST (Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) funded by the National Science Foundation Background Session #5 Polymerase."— Presentation transcript:

1 A program of ITEST (Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) funded by the National Science Foundation Background Session #5 Polymerase Chain Reaction and Primer Choice May 31, 2008 Dr. Simona Bartl Adjunct Professor Moss Landing Marine Labs

2 May 31st Workshop2 Intro to the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

3 May 31st Workshop3 Diagram by Andy Vierstraete 1999 Definition  A procedure to amplify a specific DNA region  Using DNA synthesis (DNA replication)  Yields millions of copies of the target region  Makes enough DNA for further work  Is the first step in preparing DNA for: DNA Sequencing Restriction Digestion Cloning and Bacterial Transformation

4 May 31st Workshop4 Amplification steps

5 May 31st Workshop5 Application Examples  PCR is commonly used to…  Identify species  Identify alleles/genotypes to assess variability in a population  Conduct forensic investigations  Create sequences for phylogenies 1 to determine taxonomic relationships 2 1 evolutionary history 2 according to scientific classifications

6 May 31st Workshop6 Non-examples  PCR is NOT used to:  Amplify RNA or proteins  Construct traditional genomic or cDNA libraries  Make monoclonal antibodies  Conduct stem cell research

7 May 31st Workshop7 Materials  PCR is DNA Synthesis  DNA template Can be DNA extracted or purified from an organism  Primers Anneal to single-stranded DNA template Provide initiation site for extension of new DNA Forward primer - Anneals to DNA anti-sense strand 1 Reverse primer - Anneals to DNA sense strand 2 1 template strand for transcription 2 identical to mRNA sequence

8 May 31st Workshop8 Primers

9 May 31st Workshop9 Materials  DNA polymerase Enzyme that extends growing DNA strand complementary to DNA template Taq polymerase - thermostable enzyme from Thermophilus aquaticus 1  dNTP’s Nucleotides (Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine) building blocks for new DNA strands  Buffer and Ions Provides optimal conditions for enzyme 1 Bacteria isolated from hot springs

10 May 31st Workshop10 Amplification Steps Cycling: Repeat steps 1 through 3 (20 - 40 times) 3. Extend primers, yielding new double-stranded DNA 2. Anneal primers to single-stranded DNA 1. Denature double-stranded DNA

11 May 31st Workshop11 Equipment Wikimedia Commons

12 May 31st Workshop12 PCR Animation - 3D PCR Animation - 2D

13 May 31st Workshop13 Primer choice  Conserved DNA regions that flank a more variable region  Conserved so primers will anneal (stick) and therefore allow DNA synthesis  Variable so DNA data will be informative

14 May 31st Workshop14

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