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Centro Studi Qualità Ambiente (Research Centre on Quality and Environment) Dept. Of Industrial Engineering University of Padova +39 049 8275539 |

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1 Centro Studi Qualità Ambiente (Research Centre on Quality and Environment) Dept. Of Industrial Engineering University of Padova +39 049 8275539 | | Eng. Alessandro Manzardo| Corporate Responsibility through standards: London, 20/03/2012 social and environmental dimensions

2 CESQA2 Menu of the Day Introduction Main environmental concerns and sustainability Ethics of standard: principles of ISO 26000 Life Cycle Thinking approach to support sustainable decisions Case Study and class excercise: Which packaging would you choose to contain 1 litre of milk?

3 CESQA3 Dimensions of Sustainability Question: what are the main environmental problems nowadays? Environmental dimension is central to international debate Presented in 1987 by Burtland Commision Each dimension is sctrictly connected to the others

4 CESQA4 The Issue of Global Climate Change World average temperature is growing Green House Gases emissions from anthropogenic sources are recognized to be the cause of the problem Main porcesses involved are: Fossil fuel use (75%) Land use (25%) Environmental dimension: ecosystems, desertification, see level, air pollution Economic dimension: cost to access limited resources, cost for adaptation and mitigation (legal requirements-Kyoto) Social costs: health costs related to temperature growth, access to resources

5 CESQA5 The Issue of Local Water Scarcity Only 0,04% of water can be used for human purposes Within 2025, 2/3 of world population will live in water stressed regions Climate Changes, world population growth, industrial processes pollution are the main causes Environmental dimension: ecosystems, desertification, water pollution Economic dimension: cost to access limited resources, cost to respect legal requirements Social costs: food and beverage availability, health conditions

6 CESQA6 Companies: forcings of sustainable behaviour Let’s try to sum up, Main Risks for companies: Management and production Costs: 1.Raw materials 2.Access to resources (concession) 3.Legal requirement costs Opportunity costs 1.Productivity Reputation among stakeholders

7 CESQA7 Companies: forcings of sustainable behaviour Legal requirements Competitiveness and reputation among stakeholders Financial market Resource Management Organizations/companies need tools to: 1.Ground decisions on reliable data and information (scientific results) 2.Disclose their performances to stakeholders in a consistent and transparent manner 3.Increase their competitiveness and innovation skills

8 CESQA8 Emerging concepts Carbon footprint: a measure expressed in CO2 equivalent to represent the impacts of a product, a process, an organization on climate change Water Footprint: a measure expressed in litre (or m3) equivalent to represent the impacts of a product, a process, an organization on water use

9 CESQA9 Adoption of tools to manage and disclose its performances on Climate Change!! The answer of the market This are all different Carbon label…Which one to believe in? Do they consider the three dimensions of sustainability??

10 CESQA10 Adoption of tools to manage and disclose its performance on Water Stress!! This are all different “Water Footprint”…which one is correct? Water Footprint Network Life Cycle Scientific community The answer of the market

11 CESQA11 The answer of ISO standards! An International Standard consists in a set of requirements used to accomplish a task in a consistent manner recognized at international level ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards Which are the main characteristics: Result from a transparent and consesus-based process Based on principles of TRANSPARENCY, OPENESS, IMPARTIALITY AND VOLUNTARIETY Voluntary Application

12 CESQA12 TERMINOLOGY ISO 14050 Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001 ISO 14004 ISO/TR 14061 ISO 14064 ORGANIZATION PRODUCTS Environmental Audit ISO 19011 Environmental Performances Indicators ISO 14031 ISO/TR 14032 Life Cycle Assessment ISO 14040-44 ISO/TR 14047 ISO/TS 14048 ISO/TR 14049 ISO/DIS 14045 ISO/WD2 14046 ISO/CD2 14067 Ecolabelling ISO 14020 ISO 14021 ISO 14024 ISO/TR 14025 Environmental issues of products ISO Guide 64 ISO STANDARDS ON ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT

13 CESQA13 ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility International standard to guide organization in pursuing Sustrainable development through social responsibility. Social dimension affectan organization: its competitive advantage; its reputation; its ability to attract and retain workers or members, customers, clients or users; the maintenance of employees' morale, commitment and productivity; the view of investors, owners, donors, sponsors and the financial community; and its relationship with companies, governments, the media, suppliers, peers, customers and the community in which it operates. RECOGNIZED TO BE THE GUIDELINS FOR EVERY NEW STANDARD

14 CESQA14 Key principles Accountability: an organization should be accountable for the impacts on society, the economy and the environment: –Who are my stakeholders? –In which aspects are they interested in? –What needs to be account? Transparency: an organization should be transparent in its decisions an activities that impacts on society and environment –Disclose policies, strategies, performances

15 CESQA15 Ethical behaviour: an organization should behave ethically: –Identify and state its core values –Promote ethical behaviour –Take sustainable decisions Respect for stakeholders interests: an organization should respect, consider and respond to stakeholders interests: –Understand the connection between company’s activities and stakeholders actitvities –Consider stakeholders view in decision making process Key principles

16 CESQA16 Respect for the rule of law: an organization should accept and respect that the rule of law is mandatory –Which legal requirements? –Which is my position? What do I have to do to be compliant? Respect for international norms of behaviour: an organization should respect international norms of behaviour, while adhering to the principle of respect for the rule of laws Respect for human rights: an organization should respect human rights and recognize both their importance and their universality Key principles

17 CESQA17 The tool of Life Cycle Thinking Look at products, processes and services with a cradle to gate approach in order not to shift impacts (social, economic, environmental) from one stage of the life cycle to another! FROM CRADLE TO GRAVE

18 CESQA18 A Life Cycle Assessment B N XY UsE Company C Product Company X Recycle Company Y Waste treatment (e.g. landfill) Company B Transportation Company A Raw Materials PRODUCT Life Cycle Thinking at Product and Organizational level ORGANIZATIONORGANIZATION

19 CESQA19 Case Study: the packaging sector There are several factors driving the need to measure the sustainability of packaging systems. For example, packaging: Is an essential and visible part of product delivery and marketing; Is an icon of consumption; Consumes a significant amount of resources and has a short lifespan; Has an intimate relationship to customers; Is persistently perceived by consumers as waste.

20 CESQA20 Case Study: the packaging sector Which packaging would you choose to contain 1 litre of milk?

21 CESQA21 Conclusions Let’s draft togheter the conclusions: -…

22 Thank You UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Centro Studi Qualità Ambiente (Research Centre on Quality and Environment) Via Marzolo 9, 35131 Padova; Tel. + 39 49 8275539/6 - Fax + 39 49 8275785 Email: – Web: Coordinatore scientifico Prof. Antonio Scipioni

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