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Presentation on theme: "Please call tech support at 1-866-522-7747 if you need any assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please call tech support at 1-866-522-7747 if you need any assistance.

2 List one specific thing you learned about in Unit 6. Middle childhood: Height Weight Standardized testing

3 Guidelines: 900 – 1200 words Reference list at the end Spelling Grammar Punctuation KU Writing Center!

4 Guidelines: APA Style: Times New Roman, Size 12 font Double Space 1” Margins References: * Textbook *2 articles from the UAH-Salmon Library KU Writing Center!

5 The best way to begin this project is by going to the Kaplan online Library (detailed directions on how to locate the library are listed below). Once you are in the library look for research that examines sex education programs in the school. Part of your paper requires that you write about the elements of successful sex education programs in the schools. This is where you need to know what the research shows. *Do not guess at this part.* Do not say what you *think* needs to be included in order for a sex ed program to be successful; write about what the research shows to be successful. You might choose to examine two research articles about what constitutes a successful sex ed program. Or you might choose one article where research was conducted that examines the pros and cons of successful sex ed programs. Or you might choose one article that discusses research conducted on the attitudes about sex ed programs. But you must have at least one article about what the research shows is required in order for a sex ed program to be successful.

6 HOW TO GO TO the KU Online Library 1. To get help email or 1-888-595-0010 Online reference assistance hours: Monday--Thursday: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm ET Friday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm ET 2.From your Home page click on “MY STUDIES” and then click on “Library.”

7 HOW TO GO TO the KU Online Library At the top of the Library Home Page go to “Find Articles and E-Books.”

8 HOW TO GO TO the KU Online Library Scroll down to “Searchable Article Collection Links.”

9 HOW TO GO TO the KU Online Library Choose one of the links under “Searchable Article Collection Links.” I usually like to start with “ERIC.” But you can actually search any of them. Try different search terms. For example, putting the search terms “sex education” into the first search box returned 1803 results. Obviously I don’t want to read that many so I then put in “successful sex education” and got four results.

10 HOW TO GO TO the KU Online Library

11 HOW TO GO TO the KU Online Library If you have any questions or difficulties you can call the Library at 1-888-595-0010 or tech support at 1-866-522-7747. You can also contact the Kaplan University Writing Center by going to “My Studies” then “Academic Support Center” 1/pdf/WC/WritingCenterLinks_v2_4March2011.pdf 1/pdf/WC/WritingCenterLinks_v2_4March2011.pdf

12 HOW TO GO TO the KU Online Library On the Library Home Page you can get a lot of help. Here is a video you can watch: &fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal &fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal There are a lot of “Help” links:, & Help! Video Introduction to the New Kaplan Online Library Video Introduction to the New Kaplan Online Library Conducting Research Web Research Guidelines Top 10 Mistakes in Academic Research Using On-Ground Libraries

13 Unit 7 Project Grading Criteria% - Points Course Content Clearly identifies similarities or differences between past attitudes and values, and those of the 21 st century toward teenage sex behaviors. 0-30 Clearly Identifies Pros and cons of sex education programs in schools. 0-50 Clearly identifies the elements of successful prevention programs 0-50 Project includes student’s reflections on the influence of sex education programs in their own schools. 0-35 Writing Structure: Includes introduction with clear thesis statement, complete paragraphs, and brief summary paragraph rephrasing thesis. 0-15 Mechanics: Uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and APA style, including reference page and in-text citations from 2 research articles. The project is free of typographical errors. Project is between 900 and 1200 words 0-15 Total195

14 Part of your paper requires that you write about the elements of successful sex education programs in the schools. This is where you need to know what the research shows. *Do not guess at this part.* Do not say what you *think* needs to be included in order for a sex ed program to be successful; write about what the research shows to be successful. You might choose to examine two research articles about what constitutes a successful sex ed program. Or you might choose one article where research was conducted that examines the pros and cons of successful sex ed programs. Or you might choose one article that discusses research conducted on the attitudes about sex ed programs. But you must have at least one article about what the research shows is required in order for a sex ed program to be successful.

15 You do need to cite your textbook in this paper. The way to cite your textbook in your paper is to paraphrase what your textbook is saying (do not quote it) and then cite it like this (Bukatko, 2008). You then reference it just like you reference it in your discussion board posts: Bukatko, D. (2008). Child and Adolescent Development: A Chronological Approach. Cengage Learning. Mason: OH.

16 Note: Do not write about your personal teenage sexual experiences. That is inappropriate in this paper and it does not meet the paper guidelines. Do not write about your friend’s or anyone else’s sexual experiences or behaviors. That is inappropriate in a formal paper. You do need to write about the influence your own sex ed program had in your school – but not about sexual behaviors. This means to discuss if the sex ed program in your school was influential on the students. If you did not have a sex ed program then write about the effect you think a sex ed program would have had.

17 Not Assessed 9 No work is received by the instructor. No Progress 0 Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of these outcomes. Introductory 1 Student work demonstrates the ability to identify how a single context impacts children’s development Emergent 2 Student work demonstrates the ability explain how context and culture can impact children’s development; discusses examples to support student work Practiced 3 Student work demonstrates an ability to analyze how context and culture can impact children’s development; discusses detailed examples of how both can impact children’s development; supports work with at least one research study/findings. Proficient 4 Student work demonstrates an ability to analyze how context and culture can impact children’s development; discusses detailed examples of how both can impact children’s development; supports work with research studies/findings and theory. Mastery 5 Student work demonstrates an ability to analyze the impact of context and culture on children’s development, synthesizes multiple research study findings and theoretical perspectives to support ideas. Course Level Assessment: Course Outcome PS220-4: Analyze the impact of context and culture on child development

18 Topic 1 (of 1) Some of us might remember our teen years as a time of fun and newfound freedom. Others might add that adolescence also has its difficulties. After reading the course material, pretend you are a psychology professional working with a group of teenagers. They want to know how you handled peer pressure. What experiences will you share with them and how might your story help them deal with pressures of the 21st century?

19 Think back to your own experiences and what it was like for you to be an adolescent. Discuss how physical changes during the teenage years can affect self-esteem and self- identity in an adolescent.

20 Think back to your own experiences and what it was like for you to be an adolescent. Why are teenagers so heavily influenced by their peers? What are some consequences of peer pressure?

21 Think back to your own experiences and what it was like for you to be an adolescent. Discuss one contextual factor that can promote a teen's self identity (such as school, media, etc.)?

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