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>>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING An Introduction to Professional Practice (Part 1) Goal Setting and Critical Thinking.

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Presentation on theme: ">>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING An Introduction to Professional Practice (Part 1) Goal Setting and Critical Thinking."— Presentation transcript:

1 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING An Introduction to Professional Practice (Part 1) Goal Setting and Critical Thinking

2 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING Today we focus on Goal setting and Critical thinking Goal setting


4 Goal setting Take notes you can also view the video again later Discussion in groups, refer to iBook if you wish Why do we need to set goals? What does SMART stand for? How do we move forward?

5 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING Goals Critical to our performance Signposts to guide us from here to there Reference points to measure our progress S M A R T Why do we need to set goals

6 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING Setting Learning goals Image taken from Google images: “student lifecycle”

7 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING Setting Career goals Image taken from Google image: “lifecycle”

8 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING Critical thinking is a way of deciding whether a claim is true, partially true, or false. Critical thinking is a process that leads to skills that can be learned, mastered and used. Critical thinking is a tool by which one can come about reasoned conclusions based on a reasoned process. What is critical thinking?

9 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING This process incorporates passion and creativity, but guides it with discipline, practicality and common sense. It can be traced in the West to ancient Greece with its Socratic method and in the East to ancient India with the Buddhist kalama sutta and abhidharma literature. Critical thinking is an important component of many fields such as education, politics, business, science and the arts. Checkout this link: and have fun What is critical thinking?

10 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING 1.Knowledge 2.Comprehension 3.Application 4.Analysis 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation The six steps of critical thinking

11 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING Why do you need critical thinking? Decision-making Value-forming Ethics Why critical thinking

12 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING 1.In your studies 2.In your personal life 3.In your professional life 4.Those around you Decision-making

13 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING 1.Choice between good and bad… 2.Based on the values that I have, can I live with… Myself My family My friends My colleagues My community Value-forming

14 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING What is my motive for a)Studies b)Work c)Business Is the concern for others important to me? Does my conscience bother me at the end of the day in my studies/work/business Ethics

15 >>DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING Goals to consider for this year 1.Unitec Youngminds 2.Professional development 3.Engagement with industry 4.Possible changes to courses – Project based learning (delivery/teaching, learning, assessments) 5.IBL

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