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B EGINNING D RAWING Ms. Isaacs 2011-2012. C OURSE D ESCRIPTION / O BJECTIVE : The Goal of this course is for students to explore their artistic ideas.

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Presentation on theme: "B EGINNING D RAWING Ms. Isaacs 2011-2012. C OURSE D ESCRIPTION / O BJECTIVE : The Goal of this course is for students to explore their artistic ideas."— Presentation transcript:

1 B EGINNING D RAWING Ms. Isaacs 2011-2012

2 C OURSE D ESCRIPTION / O BJECTIVE : The Goal of this course is for students to explore their artistic ideas through the development and practice of drawing skills and techniques. Beginning Drawing is based on the elements of art (line, value, color, shape/ form, texture) and the principles of design (unity, repetition, pattern, emphasis, size, harmony). Student will learn to create works of art incorporating these principles in visual expressions. Sketchbooks will be maintained to emphasize practice. Students will explore a variety of materials which may include: graphite, pastel, conte, colored pencil, charcoal, ink, and watercolor.

3 G RADING : Grades will be earned from the following scale: 90-100%A 80-89%B 70-79%C 60-69%D 0-59%F

4 G RADES CONT ’ D. Grades will be earned by points accumulated in the following categories: 75%Class Assignments 25%Participation/ Performance Students will receive +5 points daily (+25 per week) for working responsibly

5 C LASS E XPECTATIONS ! Full attention! Full effort! Attendance daily (on time!) Completed Assignments!

6 G RADING S YSTEM : Projects and Class Assignments are evaluated by Rubrics (checklists). Advanced Students are enriched with more challenging exercises!

7 A RT INCLUDES : Problem- solving! (decision- making in projects) Critical Thinking!(in analyzing our Art and famous Works of Art)

8 C ONTACT ME ! My e-mail: Phone Number: (480) 472-7101 Office Hours: 9:05- 10:05 am, or 3:00-3:30 pm

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