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Task A1: Collider Physics Introduction Sally Seidel 29 November 2005.

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1 Task A1: Collider Physics Introduction Sally Seidel 29 November 2005

2 Group members: Igor Gorelov, Research Associate Professor since 1999, from Moscow ITEP Martin Hoeferkamp, Research Engineer (EE) Since 1993, from military/aerospace Tim Thomas, Deputy Director, UNM-HPC Since 2002, from PHENIX, CDF (Physics Ph.D.) Elena Vataga, Post-doc Since May 2005, from Moscow State Dmitriy Naumov, Graduate Student Since 2002, with M.S. from Moscow Lomonosov State Univ. Marcelo Vogel, Graduate Student Since September 2005, with B.S. degrees in Physics (UNM) and Geology (U. Chile). Sally Seidel, Professor Since 1991

3 Our interests: QCD at the interface between perturbative and non-perturbative…probed by heavy quarks… Igor on pentaquark search and charmed baryon production and yield with CDF. Elena on Λ b charmless decays, data production monitoring at CDF, and being an Ace. Dmitriy on Λ c signal-to-background. Marcelo on Σ c plans. Vertex detector development… Martin on ATLAS upgrade pixels and new structures with RD50. Large scale computing... Tim on ATLAS Data Challenges and Tier 2 Computing

4 A little history of our group 1992-98: Seidel led CDF SVX II silicon sensor design and production. Continuous MoU’s with FNAL to support this work. 1993-95: Sandia SURP Grant for detector development. 1995-96: NSF Career Advancement Award launched UNM-ATLAS. 1997-present: continuous MoU’s with US- ATLAS for pixel development. 1997-2003: Seidel led ATLAS pixel sensor subgroup. 1997: UNM CDF QCD effort began, leading to publications on 3-jet events (Run 1) and pentaquarks (Run 2) and current active analyses of Λ c, Σ c, and Λ b. 1999-2002: Six NASA PURSUE Awards for support of undergraduate research.

5 A little history of our group, continued 2000: Our student Gavin Gleason selected by CUR to present a Poster on the Hill. 2001: NSF Major Research Instrumentation Award. 2001: Former post-doc Giuseppe Latino co-chair of CDF Jet Analysis Subgroup. 2003: Thomas launched UNM ATLAS computing effort. 2003: Joined RD50. 2004: Hoeferkamp won UNM-Sigma Xi Noteworthy Technical Support Person Award. 2005: DOE Advanced Detector Research Award. 2005: ATLAS Southwest Tier 2 Center (UNM, UT-Arlington, U-Oklahoma, and Langston) formed.

6 Our publications this year: Comparison of Three-jet Events in Proton- Antiproton Collisons at √s=1.8 TeV to Predictions from a NLO QCD Calculation, CDF Collaboration, PRD 71, 032002, (2005). Determination of the Jet Energy Scale at the Collider Detector at Fermilab, G. Latino et al., hep-ex/0510047 (to be published in NIM). Our papers in draft form this year: Search for Exotic S=-2 Baryons in Proton- Antiproton Collisions at √s=1.96 TeV, I. Gorelov et al., CDF Collaboration Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Section Using the Cone-based Jet Algorithm, G. Latino et al, CDF Collaboration

7 Other papers this year with major components from our group: Analysis of Test Beam Data of ATLAS Pixel Detector Production Modules with a High Intensity Pion Beam, CERN-ATL- COM-INDET-2005-012, I. Gorelov, D. Naumov, et al. Test Beam Measurement of the Detection Efficiency of ATLAS Pixel Production Modules, CERN-ATL-COM-INDET- 2005-013, I. Gorelov, D. Naumov, et al. The CDF Run IIb Silicon Detector: Design, Preproduction, and Performance, M. Hoeferkamp, D. Naumov, et al., accepted by NIM, November 2005.

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