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A Quick Look At How Works Gary Oppenheimer Master Gardener Rutgers Environmental Steward Founder CNN Hero.

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3 A Quick Look At How Works Gary Oppenheimer Master Gardener Rutgers Environmental Steward Founder CNN Hero


5 home page with rotating photos of gardeners

6 Before you register your food pantry, we strongly urge you to visit the FAQ page to better understand how works

7 Adding your food pantry is very simple. Important Notes: Your food pantry does not need an Internet connection Your food pantry does not need more refrigeration. It is free!

8 Adding your food pantry is very simple. Click here to start

9 Simply fill in your pantries information

10 User name must be unique

11 Make it secure. Then put a copy somewhere safe.

12 Street address only. No floor, PO box, etc.

13 If you have one, upload a digital picture of the pantry. Maximum size is 1000 X 1000 pixels,.jpg files only.

14 Let gardeners know when to donate. We recommend a few hours or a day before the clients pick up the food.

15 Anything else? Use back door? Call before you come? Pickups available? Store bought items welcome? Special hours offered?

16 When done, carefully enter these characters

17 When done, carefully enter these characters here.

18 Then click register.


20 Your food pantry is now registered on!

21 Next..... 1.Save your password

22 Your food pantry is now registered on! Next..... 1.Save your password 2.Send Press Release to local media

23 Your food pantry is now registered on! Next..... 1.Save your password 2.Send Press Release to local media

24 Your food pantry is now registered on! Next..... 1.Save your password 2.Send Press Release to local media 3.Print fliers for garden shops and ask staff/clients to distribute it

25 Your food pantry is now registered on! Next..... 1.Save your password 2.Send Press Release to local media 3.Print fliers for garden shops and ask staff/clients to distribute it

26 We will list your town at our Twitter page as one with a food pantry on

27 ...and on Facebook too!

28 Your food pantry is now registered on! Next..... 1.Save your password 2.Send Press Release to local media 3.Print fliers for garden shops and ask staff/clients to distribute it 4.Be patient. Remember gardeners only harvest at certain times of the year. When they are ready, we’ll help them find you.

29 What gardeners will be doing...... They click here...

30 The “Find A Pantry” page Gardeners home location How far the gardener is willing to travel Listing of pantries sorted by distance

31 Example of a typical food pantry listing Address Contact info Donation times Details on store bought items most needed Driving directions from the gardener’s home to the pantry

32 Nearly 2,800 food pantries across America are now registered on

33 More than 2,700 food pantries across America are now registered on Until you register your food pantries, you’ll remain “invisible” to local growers. Do it Today!

34 One out of six Americans needs food assistance, but can't get fresh produce from the local food pantry. Millions of American homeowners grow more food in their backyard gardens than they can possibly use. It Doesn't Have to Be This Way.... The campaign diminishes hunger in America by enabling backyard gardeners to share their excess garden produce with neighborhood food pantries.

35 End

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