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Yellofin dynamic variant funnelling. Overview Optimising your sites has its limitations because it has to target all potential donors in different user.

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Presentation on theme: "Yellofin dynamic variant funnelling. Overview Optimising your sites has its limitations because it has to target all potential donors in different user."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yellofin dynamic variant funnelling

2 Overview Optimising your sites has its limitations because it has to target all potential donors in different user groups. Yellofin effectively breaks down each user group, allowing you to further target users based on their demographic or online behaviour. Websites caters for all types of users. Some users are repeat visitors, some are existing donors. Many arrive from campaigns, others are already aware of the cause. Yellofin instantly knows about your visitor and configures the site to show different content to different user types, based on data optimised for conversions.

3 Process Profile Variant Optimise The Conversion Eye Data System Web Analytics

4 PPC Existing Donor London Repeat Visit Night or Day Web Ad ? Process - Profile

5 A/B: Banner colour Image: young person, animal etc. Donation Amount: Standard, Low, Increase DD Image: Day, Night Navigation: Link to sub-site, Encourage login ? Process - Varient

6 Navigation: Link to sub-site PPC Existing Donor Repeat Visit Evening Web Ad High Donor Image seen: Sophie Donation: Low Ask Image: Night Repeat Visit Donation: Low Ask Donation: Increase DD Image seen: John New Visitor Image: John Web Ad Process - Optimise

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