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Linz, Donnerstein and Penrod “Physiological Desensitization and Judgments About Female Victims of Violence” (1989)

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Presentation on theme: "Linz, Donnerstein and Penrod “Physiological Desensitization and Judgments About Female Victims of Violence” (1989)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Linz, Donnerstein and Penrod “Physiological Desensitization and Judgments About Female Victims of Violence” (1989)

2 First Study on “Slasher” Films Ss prescreened for hostility and psychosis using the Symptom Checklist 90 Ss see “TX Chainsaw Massacre” Ss take MAACL (Multiple Affect Adjective Check List) On 4 successive days, Ss see 4 more slasher films and are given the MAACL On Day 6 Ss are shown a rape trial and given a questionnaire

3 Results Continued exposure to the sex + violence leads to desensitization (reported on the MAACL) –Decreasing awareness of the extent of violence –Decreasing awareness of how F are degraded –Increasing enjoyment Ss response to the questionnaire reflect their belief that the rape victim was less injured

4 New Study Penrod leaves the research and Adams joins the research.

5 RQ: Which is more important in attitude formation-sex or violence Prescreening (SCL 90 and RMA) Video 1 –G1 Ss see non-violent erotic and exciting film clips –G2 Ss see “slasher” films MAACL given Video 2 (violence against F) MAACL given again Questionnaire about video 2

6 Results G1 Ss report normal and expected mood change after video 2 on MAACL –Hostility toward aggressor –Anxiety –Depression G2 Ss do not report normal mood changes On the questionnaire, G2 Ss see the victim as –Less injured –Less worthy of sympathy –More responsible for the attack

7 Interpretation Sex alone is not the problem Sex + violence is the problem

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