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VOCABULARY 8 Kendra Spikes & Shannon Raffaniello.

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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARY 8 Kendra Spikes & Shannon Raffaniello."— Presentation transcript:

1 VOCABULARY 8 Kendra Spikes & Shannon Raffaniello

2 Acrimonious  (adj.) – stinging, bitter in temper or tone

3 Acrimonious  Synonyms – belligerent, angry, hard  Antonyms – kind, kindly, peaceable

4 Acrimonious  The girl amazed me with her acrimonious attitude.

5 Bovine  (adj.) – resembling a cow or ox; sluggish; unresponsive

6 Bovine  Synonyms – churlish, dense, vulgar  Antonyms – energetic, loose

7 Bovine  He was so lazy that he could almost be considered as bovine.

8 Conducive  (adj.) – tending to promote or assist, helpful, favorable

9 Conducive  Synonyms – contributive, useful, leading  Antonyms – adverse, hindering, unfavorable

10 Conducive  She was conducive enough to help her peers with the problem.

11 Consternation  (adj.) – dismay, confusion

12 Consternation  Synonyms – alarm, anxiety, distraction  Antonyms – calm, happiness, tranquility

13 Consternation  Consternation surrounded the situation.

14 Corpulent  (adj.) – fat; having a large, bulky body

15 Corpulent  Synonyms – stout, overweight, hefty  Antonyms – skinny, lean

16 Corpulent  America has overall become more corpulent throughout the years.

17 Disavow  (v.) – to deny responsibility for or connection with

18 Disavow  Synonyms – deny, disclaim, contradict  Antonyms – agree, approve, sanction

19 Disavow  She disavowed her connection to the issue.

20 Dispassionate  (adj.) – impartial; calm, free from emotion

21 Dispassionate  Synonyms – abstract, moderate, neutral  Antonyms – biased, involved, prejudice

22 Dispassionate  She seemed dispassionate because she showed no emotion unlike everyone else.

23 Dissension  (n.) – disagreement, sharp difference of opinion

24 Dissension  Synonyms – altercation, dissidence, discordance  Antonyms – agreement, concurrence, ratification

25 Dissension  The girls had formed a circle around the dissension.

26 Dissipate  (v.) – to cause to disappear; to scatter, dispel; to spend foolishly, squander; to be extravagant in pursuit of pleasure

27 Dissipate  Synonyms – consume, waste, lavish  Antonyms – collect, hoard, save

28 Dissipate  Whenever she earned her money, she made it dissipate just as quickly.

29 Élan  (n.) – an enthusiastic vigor and liveliness, spirit; a flair

30 Élan  Synonyms – animation, pertness, vivacity  Antonyms – dullness, lifelessness

31 Élan  The couple had such élan in every aspect of their day.

32 Expurgate  (v.) – to remove objectionable passages or words from a written text; to cleanse, purify

33 Expurgate  Synonyms – purge, sterilize, decontaminate  Antonyms – allow, permit

34 Expurgate  The novel needed to be expurgated before anyone could read it.

35 Gauntlet  (n.) – an armored or protective glove; a challenge to combat; two lines of men armed with weapons with which to beat a person forced to run between them; an ordeal

36 Gauntlet  Synonyms – battle cry, war cry, call to battle  Antonyms - None

37 Gauntlet  A gauntlet was set forth in battle.

38 Hypothetical  (adj.) – based on an assumption or guess; used as a provisional or tentative idea to guide or direct investigation

39 Hypothetical  Synonyms – provisory, unconfirmed, presupposed  Antonyms – proof, reality, calculation

40 Hypothetical  The hypothetical story suddenly became almost just as real.

41 Ignoble  (adj.) – mean, low, base

42 Ignoble  Synonyms – corrupt, plebeian, inferior  Antonyms – dignified, reputable, honorable

43 Ignoble  The man was so ignoble to all of his employees that no one wanted to work for him.

44 Impugn  (v.) – to call into question; attack as false

45 Impugn  Synonyms – oppose, run down, traverse  Antonyms – flatter, praise, support

46 Impugn  The story was impugned as false.

47 Intemperate  (adj.) – immoderate, lacking in self-control; inclement

48 Intemperate  Synonyms – extreme, unrestrained, inebriated  Antonyms - moderate

49 Intemperate  It was almost as if he had extreme anger problems due to him being so intemperate.

50 Odium  (n.) – hatred, contempt; disgrace or infamy resulting from hateful conduct

51 Odium  Synonyms – detestation, disrepute, malice  Antonyms – delight, regard, respect

52 Odium  Their odium for each other was overwhelming.

53 Perfidy  (n.) – faithlessness, treachery

54 Perfidy  Synonyms – disloyalty, falsity, infidelity  Antonyms – faithfulness, loyalty

55 Perfidy  How could someone perform such perfidy against their best friend?

56 Relegate  (v.) – to place in a lower position; to assign, refer, to banish

57 Relegate  Synonyms – commend, delegate, entrust  Antonyms – promote, upgrade

58 Relegate  The man was relegated from his country for his bad deeds.

59 Squeamish  (adj.) – inclined to nausea; easily shocked or upset; excessively fastidious or refined

60 Squeamish  Synonyms – annoyed, prudish, unsettled  Antonyms – ready, willing

61 Squeamish  The girl was too squeamish around blood to become a nurse.

62 Subservient  (adj.) – subordinate in capacity or role; serving to promote some end; submissively obedient

63 Subservient  Synonyms – cowering, submissive, resigned  Antonyms – controlling, domineering, independent

64 Subservient  He did everything his parents told him making him subservient to them.

65 Susceptible  (adj.) – open to; easily influenced; lacking in resistance

66 Susceptible  Synonyms – affected, responsive, inclined  Antonyms – resistant

67 Susceptible  They were susceptible to peer pressure.

68 Test!  Please take out a sheet of paper and something to write with. Number your papers from 1 to 22 and answer the following questions.

69 Question 1  What is the definition of élan?

70 Question 2  What word has the meaning to disappear, scatter, dispel, or to spend foolishly?

71 Question 3  This word is a verb and it means to deny responsibility for. What is it?

72 Question 4  Choose the word that best fits.  The harsh man looked down on me with a (squeamish, dispassionate) face.

73 Question 5  The word conducive is a:  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective

74 Question 6  Define expurgate.

75 Question 7  Fill in the blank.  After my father died I felt the feeling of _______.

76 Question 8  Fill in the blank.  My sister and I had a sharp _______ over who should watch our little brother.

77 Question 9  What word has the meaning of resembling a cow or ox: sluggish, unresponsive?

78 Question 10  Acrimonious is a what?  a) adjective  b) noun  b) verb

79 Question 11  Define Corpulent.

80 Question 12  What is the meaning of subservient?

81 Question 13  What part of speech is the word with the definition: faithless, treachery?

82 Question 14  Hypothetical is what part of speech?

83 Question 15  Define impugn

84 Question 16  The word odium means hatred, contempt: disgrace or infamy resulting from hateful conduct. What part of speech is this word?

85 Question 17  What word means immoderate, lacking in self- control, inclement?

86 Question 18  The word ignoble is an adjective. What is its definition?

87 Question 19  Fill in the blank  Immediately after setting foot on the rocking boat, Sara was reminded of her _________ disposition.

88 Question 20  Which word is an adjective?  a) Gauntlet  b) Relegate  c) Susceptible

89 Question 21  What word is holds the meaning of an armored or protected glove?

90 Question 22  Define relegate

91 Check Your Answers  1. An enthusiastic vigor and liveliness, spirit: a flair  2. Dissipate  3. Disavow  4. Dispassionate  5. c) adjective  6. To remove objectionable passages or words from a written text: to cleanse, purify  7. Consternation  8. Dissention  9. Bovine  10. a) adjective  11. fat; having a large, bulky body

92 Continued…  12. subordinate in capacity or role; serving to promote some end; submissively obedient  13. noun  14. adjective  15. To call into question, attack as false  16. noun  17. Intemperate  18. mean, low base  19. Squeamish  20. c) Susceptible  21. Gauntlet  22. to place in a lover position; to assign, refer; to banish

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