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Word Study Crossroads Middle School 6 th Grade Trimester One Updated 9/2014.

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1 Word Study Crossroads Middle School 6 th Grade Trimester One Updated 9/2014

2 mono / uni Definition: one, alone, single Language of Origin: mono – Greek uni - Latin

3 mono / uni: one, alone, single unison unison monotheistic monotheistic monologue monologue

4 unison -noun- Definition: simultaneous performance of music or speech providing one harmonious sound Sentence: The students recited the “Pledge of Allegiance” in unison each school day.

5 monotheistic -adjective- Definition: believing that there is only one God Sentence: As opposed to the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, other faiths are monotheistic, and have only one God.

6 monologue -noun- Definition: a long speech given by one actor Sentence: As the comedian delivered the monologue, the audience howled with laughter.

7 di / bi Definition: two, twice, happening every two Language of Origin: di – Greek bi - Latin

8 di / bi: two, twice, happening every two dilemma dilemma bilingual bilingual biannual biannual

9 dilemma -noun- Definition: a situation requiring a decision between two undesirable choices Sentence: He was faced with the dilemma about what to do first: clean his room or do his homework.

10 bilingual -adjective- Definition: able to speak two languages Sophia was clearly bilingual because she spoke both English and Spanish fluently. Hello! Hola!

11 biannual - adjective- Definition: happening twice a year At Crossroads Middle School, parent conferences are a biannual event.

12 semi Definition: half, partial Language of Origin: Latin

13 semi: half, partial semiconscious semiprecious semicircle

14 semiconscious -adjective- Definition: not fully aware or awake Sentence: Due to his lack of sleep the night before, Joe was only semiconscious for science class.

15 semiprecious -adjective- Definition: a stone having less worth than more valuable gems Sentence: The ring Jasmine received from her grandmother featured a gorgeous semiprecious stone.

16 semicircle -noun- Definition: half a circle Sentence: The kids sat in a semicircle waiting for the mystery guest!

17 poly / multi Definition: many, more than one Language of Origin: poly – Greek multi - Latin

18 poly / multi: many, more than one polygon polyphobia multitude

19 polygon -noun- Definition: a closed figure with three or more sides and angles Sentence: We learned more about squares and rectangles, which are polygons, in Geometry class.

20 polyphobia -noun- Definition: an excessive fear of many things Sentence: Due to the man’s polyphobia, he needed guidance on how to be able to function day-to-day without anxiety.

21 multitude -noun- Definition: a large number; a crowd of people Sentence: It seemed like a multitude of students were involved in the various school bands.

22 corp Definition: body Language of Origin: Latin

23 corp : body corporation corporation corpulent corpulent corporal corporal

24 corporation -noun- Definition: a company recognized by law to act as a single body Sentence: When a large corporation, like Walmart, moves into a small town, local shops often go out of business.

25 corpulent -adjective- Definition: large or bulky of body; fat The corpulent turkey was the most delicious part of the holiday meal. Sentence: The corpulent turkey was the most delicious part of the holiday meal.

26 corporal -adjective- Definition: relating to the body Working outside in the summer heat might can feel like corporal punishment. Sentence: Working outside in the summer heat might can feel like corporal punishment.

27 bene / eu Definition: good, well Language of Origin: bene – Latin eu – Greek

28 bene / eu : good, well benevolent euphemism eulogy

29 benevolent -adjective- Definition: wishing to promote happiness of others; kind; charitable The benevolent nature of the hospital nurse helped the patients feel at ease. Sentence: The benevolent nature of the hospital nurse helped the patients feel at ease.

30 euphemism -noun- Definition: a mild or indirect expression used instead of one that is harsh or unpleasant The euphemism, “He is a little thin on top,” is another way of saying someone is going bald. Sentence: The euphemism, “He is a little thin on top,” is another way of saying someone is going bald.

31 eulogy -noun- Definition: a speech that highly praises someone or something, typically honoring a person who just died. During funerals, a family member or friend often delivers a eulogy about the deceased. Sentence: During funerals, a family member or friend often delivers a eulogy about the deceased.

32 circum Definition: about or around, on all sides Language of Origin: Latin

33 circ / circum: about or around, on all sides circumnavigate circumnavigate circumvent circumvent circumspect circumspect

34 circumnavigate -verb- Definition: to sail, fly, or go completely around It was a fabulous experience to circumnavigate the lake in our own watercraft! Sentence: It was a fabulous experience to circumnavigate the lake in our own watercraft!

35 circumvent -verb- Definition: to find a way around a difficulty using cleverness or trickery The clever toddler was able to circumvent the safety barriers set up by his parents. Sentence: The clever toddler was able to circumvent the safety barriers set up by his parents.

36 circumspect -adjective- Definition: being watchful on all sides When driving on a busy road, you must be circumspect in order to be safe. Sentence: When driving on a busy road, you must be circumspect in order to be safe.

37 junct Definition: join Language of Origin: Latin

38 junct : join conjunction conjunction juncture juncture disjunction disjunction

39 conjunction -noun- Definition: a word that joins words, phrases, clauses or sentences Conjunctions can be used in sentences to join two related ideas. Sentence: Conjunctions can be used in sentences to join two related ideas.

40 juncture -noun- Definition: a point or line where two things join A train stops at a juncture where people may need to get on or off. Sentence: A train stops at a juncture where people may need to get on or off.

41 disjunction -noun- Definition: the act disjoining; separation More often than not, there is a disjunction between a person’s beliefs and their actions. Sentence: More often than not, there is a disjunction between a person’s beliefs and their actions.

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