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Introducing the New Standards- Based Progress Report Card Regina Pool Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Hampshire and Chesterfield- Goshen.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the New Standards- Based Progress Report Card Regina Pool Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Hampshire and Chesterfield- Goshen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the New Standards- Based Progress Report Card Regina Pool Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Hampshire and Chesterfield- Goshen Regional School Districts and the Public School Districts of Southampton, Westhampton, and Williamsburg December 16, 2009

2 About the Standards-Based Progress Report Card (SBRC) Measures how well a student is doing in relation to the grade-level standards rather than the work of other students. Reports on progress toward meeting the grade-level standard with the goal of meeting the standard by the end of the school year.

3 What are “Standards”? Rigorous, state-wide instructional standards for each grade level based on frameworks for educational competencies. Reflective of what a student should know and be able to do at each grade level. Consistent with MCAS testing and federal requirements for No Child Left Behind.

4 Goal of the SBRC Provide more detailed feedback to parents and families. Describe a student’s progress toward specific learning standards at his or her grade level. Provide a clearer understanding of what is expected of students to foster success in a rigorous academic program.

5 Benefits of the SBRC A better understanding of what each child should know and be able to do at each grade level. Increasing awareness of what is expected of them. A more detailed outline of the expectations in each content area as well as Social Development and Student Responsibilities. Teachers ParentsStudents

6 The Standards-Based Reporting Scale: Standards E - Exceeding the grade level standard (gr. 3-6) M - Meeting the grade level standard P - Progressing toward meeting the grade level standard B - Beginning to develop an understanding of the grade level standard. N - Not yet demonstrating an understanding of the grade level standard X - Standard not addressed during this grading period

7 The Standards-Based Reporting Scale: Social Development and Student Responsibility Measurement of developmentally- appropriate behaviors and responsibilities that influence student learning. Scored as follows: –4 - Consistently –3 - Frequently –2 - Sometimes –1 – Rarely This scale will also be used to reflect effort in each academic area.

8 Interpreting the Standards Reporting Scale: An Analogy The “Ice Cream Sundae” Standard Criteria: -Many flavors of ice cream -Plenty of toppings -Presentation

9 M - Meeting the standard Several scoops of ice cream. Multiple flavors. Lots of toppings. Sundae beautifully assembled.

10 P - Progressing toward meeting the standard Two scoops of ice cream. Single flavor. A couple of toppings. Simple presentation.

11 B - Beginning to develop an understanding of the standard. Single scoop. One flavor. One topping. Simple dish.

12 N - Not yet demonstrating an understanding of the standard Single small scoop or does not use ice cream One flavor No toppings Plain cup

13 E - Exceeding the Standard Way over the Top! The Frrrozen Haute Chocolate (cost = $25,000) at Serendipity 3 in New York City. The sundae includes 28 different cocoas, half of them the world’s most expensive. It is decorated with 5 grams of edible 23 carat gold (24 carat gold is pure gold) and is served in a goblet made of part edible gold. The base of the goblet is an 18 carat gold bracelet, with 1 carat of white diamonds (carat is weight, except in gold, it is purity). It is eaten with a gold and diamond spoon that you can take home!

14 Questions?

15 Next Steps The SBRC will be distributed for the first reporting period on Dec. 18 If you have any further comments or questions, please contact: –Your students’ teachers –The school office –The Office of the Superintendent: 413- 527-7200.

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