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Computer Laboratory Rules

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1 Computer Laboratory Rules
Bishop Amat high school lab rules

2 Each student Each student …is expected to:
Use the computers and the technology PROPERLY Each student By listening to directions By staying on the right websites By deciding what’s right

3 RESPECT the computers, themselves,
Each student …is expected to: RESPECT the computers, themselves, and each other Respect that your project will look different than everyone else’s, so respect the decisions others have made when creating projects. Respect the property of your classmates, such as not typing on their keyboard. Respect the computers, because they are school property and your ticket to learning.

4 NOT BRING food or drink into the lab
Each student …is expected to: NOT BRING food or drink into the lab NOT BRING food or drink into the lab

5 MAKE Good Choices! Each student Be Conscious …is expected to:
With your classmates With your actions MAKE Good Choices! With the Internet With the computers With your teachers

6 Each student PUSH in their chairs and keep their space CLEAN!
…is expected to: PUSH in their chairs and keep their space CLEAN! So someone doesn’t trip… The computer lab doesn’t look like this,... and you enjoy coming here!

7 And if you are the last class of the day SHUTDOWN!
Each student …is expected to: EXIT all computer programs and LOG OFF the computer. And if you are the last class of the day SHUTDOWN!

8 Let’s Review our Rules

9 Keeping A Clean Learning Lab Means………………………………………………………
Keeping A Clean Learning Lab Means……………………………………………………….. We are caring, cool and fancy.

10 When you are in the computer lab, you are in a classroom.
BEHAVE ACCORDINGLY! Treat everyone with consideration and respect .

11 2. Do not change any of the settings in the computers
2. Do not change any of the settings in the computers. This includes such things as color, screensaver, backgrounds and options.

12 Why can’t we change it? Changing these settings can interfere with the normal operation of the computer.

13 3. Do not erase or delete any files or software from the computers.

14 4. Listen and follow directions.

15 5. Food and Drinks are not allowed in the computer lab.
You don’t belong here!

16 6. Do not download software from the internet onto the computers unless authorized to do so.

17 7. Loading or installation of any software/ programs/games on the computers is PROHIBITED.

18 8. Once a computer is turned on. Leave it on
8. Once a computer is turned on. Leave it on. It will be turned off at end of the day.

19 9. Before you leave the lab, please make sure you have done the following things:

20 a. Quit all application

21 b. Cleaned are a around computer, this includes discarding scrap paper a printouts.

22 c. Put thing back when you are finished with them, including cover, keyboards, mice, and chair under the table.

23 Never come into the lab unless an adult is in the lab. Computer Lab
The computer lab is yours to use safely. Never come into the lab unless an adult is in the lab. I hope you have a very enjoyable year! Computer Lab

24 Seat Assignments Every student will sit on their own workstation.
Your behavior determines if you can keep the seat you choose. 12

25 Thank You! Enjoy your stay here in computer laboratory.
Reference: =/ c28b3a1fb3e56686b00d8e37fb90f27f213bd1bf-slideshow

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