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Computer Lab Orientation Miles Jones Elementary School November 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Lab Orientation Miles Jones Elementary School November 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Lab Orientation Miles Jones Elementary School November 2009

2 Lab Orientation  What’s in the Lab  Installed Applications  Web-based Applications  Rules and Procedures  Lessons and Activities

3 Computer Lab 116  24 networked Dell computers  Headphones and built-in speakers  1 laser printer  1 teacher workstation What’s In the Lab

4 Printers  All computers will print to HP LaserJet 8150N What’s In the Lab

5 Computer Use and Policies  Acceptable Use Policy (located on Infonet) Policies and Procedures

6 Miles Jones Lab Rules  1. Your fingers should not be on the keyboard when thy teacher is talking.  2. You are not to print anything without the teacher’s permission.  3. Be considerate of other by keeping speaker volume low or use your headphones.

7 Miles Jones Lab Rules  4. Do not leave your seat to help other students. The teacher will assist all who need it.  5. Do not, in any way, change things on the computer. (images, desktop background, setting, etc.)  6. Take good care for the computers as if it were your own. Remember, this lab is property of Richmond Public Schools.

8 Miles Jones Lab Rules  7. Sit in your assigned seat and follow your teacher’s instructions when class ends.  8. Don’t forget to save all your work often, and as instructed.  9. If you have a problem with the computer, or assignment, ask the teacher immediately.  10. When leaving, make sure your area is neat, and your chair is under your desk.

9 If you have a problem… let the teacher know immediately.!!

10 Orientation Activities MilesJonesWiki     Microsoft XP Tour (3-5)

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