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Computer Lab Procedures. Walking to and from the computer lab Walk quietly the entire way. Do not disturb any other classes. Stay with the group. Do not.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Lab Procedures. Walking to and from the computer lab Walk quietly the entire way. Do not disturb any other classes. Stay with the group. Do not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Lab Procedures

2 Walking to and from the computer lab Walk quietly the entire way. Do not disturb any other classes. Stay with the group. Do not lag behind.

3 Seating Chart I will tell you where you are sitting. No complaining allowed. Only use the computer you are assigned to.

4 Be nice to your computer You are responsible for your assigned computer. If you damage your computer, you will be held responsible. If you try to change your computer’s settings, you will be held responsible.

5 In The Computer Lab Work hard! Stay on task. Follow directions. Ask questions if you are not sure what to do.

6 In The Computer Lab Class rules are for the computer lab also. You know how to behave in the classroom. I expect you to behave well in the computer lab also.

7 In The Computer Lab Don’t waste time. Don’t try to access prohibited web sites (myspace, youtube, etc.). If you try to access prohibited web sites, you will not be allowed to use the computers at school.

8 What are we going to do? I’ll have instructions for you at To begin, go straight to the class wikispace.

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