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Mayfield Woods Media Center. Where are the Computers? Computer Lab  30 Computers iBook Mobile Labs  30 Laptops Math Mobile Lab  25 Laptops Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Mayfield Woods Media Center. Where are the Computers? Computer Lab  30 Computers iBook Mobile Labs  30 Laptops Math Mobile Lab  25 Laptops Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mayfield Woods Media Center

2 Where are the Computers? Computer Lab  30 Computers iBook Mobile Labs  30 Laptops Math Mobile Lab  25 Laptops Science Mobile Lab  15 Laptops

3 Mobile Laptop Cart 1-15

4 Mobile Laptop Cart 16-30

5 Laptop Rules… Use two hands… Put the laptop back into the appropriate slot according to its number Plug in the laptop to its power cord Do not crowd around the laptop cart while getting a laptop or while putting one back. Follow the teachers directions… always

6 How do you log-in? Required Information  Year of graduation from middle school, e.g. ‘11  First Initial and last name, e.g. jdoe  Birth date, e.g. August 12, 1997 On the screen  Username: 11jdoe  Password: 08/12/97

7 Computer Log-in 11jdoe 08/12/94 You want a green dot.

8 Saving Your Files Local Computer  Places to Save… Desktop Documents Folder Movies Folder Music Folder Pictures Folder

9 Saving Files II On the server..  Access anywhere in school  Maximum capacity 500MB

10 Technical Issues… Lost files…. Save to a USB Removing USB files Backing-up files Office 2007 files…

11 Virtual Investigation School Website  Media Website  TeacherWiki  BookBlog 

12 The Virtual Mayfield Woods… URL Purpose of the website… Type of information provided… Interesting information… What is cool about this site? How could this site be useful?

13 Computer Usage Policy Directions  Form a group of 2-3  Pick one computer usage policy from the hat  Illustrate the policy Use the entire poster Include a title Include pictures and symbols

14 Computer Usage Guideline # 2 I will not give out my personal information Jack Smith 123 Round Robin Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 Ph. 410-222-2222 School: Mayfield Woods MS

15 Computer Usage Guidelines Home Telephone Number 123 Round Robin Road Ellicott City, MD 21043

16 Home Telephone Number 123 Round Robin Road Ellicott City, MD 21043

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