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Be careful what you wish for How Standards for the 21 st Century Learner saved the day.

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Presentation on theme: "Be careful what you wish for How Standards for the 21 st Century Learner saved the day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be careful what you wish for How Standards for the 21 st Century Learner saved the day

2 Fixed vs Flexible Scheduling FixedFlexed

3 Opportunity knocked Physical Education Budget Administrative Support

4 Informing the Staff Through the most important person in the school….

5 Flexible Access to LMC Grades 3-5 Staff Meeting Presentation May 9, 2007

6 Why a change? 1 opportunity to break-out of fixed schedule to implement best library practices supported by: research OP Summer School collaborative teaching experiences 2 opportunity to meeting NYS requirements.

7 Benefits of a Flexible LMC Bigger classroom! Cooperatively planning/teaching more support for teachers and students! Relevant student learning experience information to problem solving to classroom APPR “collaboration”

8 LMC Schedule? Grade K-2 classes remain the same Grades 3-5 will have flexible* LMC scheduling (teachers and the LMS will schedule mutually convenient time) (teachers and the LMS will schedule mutually convenient time) *Flexible: LMC time could be scheduled daily for a week; three times a week for two weeks; or twice a month for six weeks…..whatever meets your needs in supporting the project!

9 What is my role & responsibility as a classroom teacher? Schedule unit/lesson LMC time Prep students for purpose of LMC visit Support, review LMC rules Collaboratively plan with the LMS: Content, ideas, etc. Two projects per school year

10 When will I have time? In May during time provided substitute coverage Summer or after-school collaborative planning for 18-hour credit LMS can attend grade level meetings Meet with LMS before school (8-9 AM) During flexible library access time Tech Buddy Credit

11 What is the SLMS’s role? Plan/support teacher collaboration Provide resources Provide information skills instruction Ideas Tech Experiences (i.e. video conferencing)

12 Possible Activities in the LMC Data driven research projects Instruction in /access to district databases Video Conferencing Class use: almanacs, atlases, encyclopedia sets Teacher/classroom booklists on line Literary genre centers Instruction in the portable computer lab Centers / activities made possible with two teachers

13 Think of..... Units you’d like to expand Lessons/units that would like benefit from help by another teacher Curriculum extensions Lessons/units that could be enhanced with access to more resources

14 Questions??

15 ???? We had them??? Colleagues ? Where to begin ? Data Special Summer Project Core Area – 12 teachers, 4 SLMS 5 Teacher Hours!! 12 SLMS hours!!! Goal: 1 project – core/grade/data Publish projects Spread the wealth Faculty Meetings Right before their eyes

16 L4L saves the day?

17 Standards for the 21 st Century Learner 1. Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge 2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge 3. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society 4. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth Standards

18 Strands Standard SkillsResponsibilities Self-Assessment Strategies Dispositions in Action

19 Indicators Standard Skills Responsibilities Self-Assessment Strategies Dispositions Indicators

20 Standards for the 21 st Century Learner in Action

21 Template

22 Distribution Presentations Notes Welcome Page Meetings Curriculum Mapping

23 Successes Relevant, Rigorous, Relational Instruction More time to complete activities Increased Collaboration Gets us out of our comfort zone…

24 Challenges Parents Professional development: collaboration Missing students MS Preparation “I don’t have time”

25 What’s happened since… AASL Standards Expansion Curriculum Mapping NYS ELA standards revision Core Curriculum – focus: Literacy

26 What’s Next… Reading More collaboration Assessment Research Model Literacy

27 For more information AASL guidelinesandstandards/learningstandards/standards.cfm guidelinesandstandards/learningstandards/standards.cfmSLMS Orchard Park CSD

28 Questions

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