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The Piper’s Spell The rats appeared as if by magic, Out of every house and shop. Out of every door and window, Looked as if they’d never stop.

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2 The Piper’s Spell

3 The rats appeared as if by magic, Out of every house and shop. Out of every door and window, Looked as if they’d never stop.

4 Big rats, small rats, thin rats, fat rats, Rats of every shape and size. Brown rats, grey rats, black rats, white rats, Rats with different coloured eyes.

5 Fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, Aunts and uncles by the score. Nephews, nieces, great grand fathers, Everywhere they seemed to pour.

6 On they went behind the piper, Followed him to every place. Up and down each street they hurried, Might have been the first rat race!

7 Then at last they left the city, Through the gate and past the mill. Till they came to Hamelin’s river, In they went against their will.

8 All except for one old grey rat, He was deaf and didn’t hear. The magic music of the pipe, Or see the end of Hamelin’s fear.

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