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1 Go!Animate Graphic Novels, Storytelling, Cartoon Animation, and Educational Fun.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Go!Animate Graphic Novels, Storytelling, Cartoon Animation, and Educational Fun."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Go!Animate Graphic Novels, Storytelling, Cartoon Animation, and Educational Fun

2 2 DEMO Go!Animate - QUJD0 QUJD0

3 3 Why use Go!Animate? Anyone can do it, not just artists - though anyone can do non-digital as well – prefer supplement Another digital tool to combine your digital pictures and music (Windows Movie Maker) From a library point of view, could be used to create graphic novels The Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction

4 4 What’s Possible Watch – all the cartoons created by other users Channels – the different groups of backgrounds, characters, videos that Go!Animate provides (Willie Nelson, Saturday Morning Cartoons, etc…) Community – other users uploaded characters, pictures, and music

5 5 Creating Stuff Animation Studio - Or Animated Slideshow – use videos from Go!Animate or upload your own, then add pictures - Personalized Ecards -

6 6 Animation People Clouds or balloons Background Handhelds Music Special Effects

7 7 Each scene Adding things What you can do with each addition (reduce/enlarge, flip, movement, facial reactions, etc…) You can also move things already present

8 8 Animation Timeline Scenes Music

9 9 Slideshow Choose Theme (Willie Nelson, Star Trek, etc…) Import Pictures from Web, Your Computer, or Flickr/Facebook Select Music

10 10 eMessages Choose Theme Fill in text boxes Choose how to share it with friends – email, embed it in a file, twitter, Del.ici.ous, Reddit Seems to be having trouble

11 11 In the classroom Can provide a creative way for students to share what they have learned More entertaining quiz format 11

12 12 Educational Examples Brown vs Board: ce=emailshare&uid=0IzMDlq5yb9Y ce=emailshare&uid=0IzMDlq5yb9Y Spanish: Street Fighter Physics: JP Quiz: 12

13 13 Problems Can’t download your own video eMessages having trouble Can’t edit eMessages or Slideshow Limited by preset actions/props/etc ◦Gobucks may help

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