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Kingdom Eubacteria Eu = new or true

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1 Kingdom Eubacteria Eu = new or true
Enterococci are normal inhabitants of the human gastrointestinal tract. Other major sites of colonization that may act as reservoirs for enterococci in hospitalized patients or nursing home residents include wounds and chronic decubital ulcers (pressure sores). Enterococci are seldom found in pure culture in wounds, but when they are, the wounds usually have no clinical evidence of infection. Generally, enterococci are present in mixed culture in soft tissue wounds. Asymptomatic women may also carry enterococci in high numbers in their vaginas, while 60% of men in hospitals may carry enterococci in their perineal or meatal areas. Enterococci are also hardy organisms, which allows them to survive well on environmental surfaces. Resistant enterococci have been isolated from surrounding areas of infected patients. Instruments such as electronic thermometers have been implicated in spreading this organism.

2 Parts of a bacterial cell
Cell wall (most have one thick cell wall OR a double cell wall) Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nuclear material Capsule Flagella

3 Shape of bacterial cells
Cocci - round bacterial cells. (cox-eye). b) Bacilli - rod-shaped bacterial cells. c) Spirilli (corkscrew) - spiral-shaped bacterial cells A B C

4 Names for bacteria shapes
Prefix means Diplo- two Staphlo- cluster Strepto- chain

5 Arrangement of bacteria
PAIRS occur as single cells or common groupings such as chains, uneven clusters, or pairs, tetrads, octads and other packets. Branhamella catarrhalis Streptococcus pyogenes

6 Nutrition in Eubacteria
1. Heterotrophic use food produced by other organisms 2. Saprotrophic feed on dead or decaying matter 3. Autotrophic make their own food

7 Archaeo= ancient Bacteria = a unicellular micro-organism
Kingdom Archaebacteria *the oldest living organisms on Earth *there is evidence that bacteria without nuclei lived on earth 3.5 billion years ago, Archaeo= ancient Bacteria = a unicellular micro-organism

8 Basics consists of three main phyla
all are prokaryotes and unicellular Not a lot of organisms in this kingdom Prokaryotic =an organism with NO nuclear membrane

9 The 3 groups of Archaebacteria
Methanogens Extreme Halophiles Thermoacidophiles

10 1) Methanogens: *oxygen is a poison to these bacteria
*thrive in extreme environments *They produce energy by converting H2 and CO2 into methane gas. geothermal springs (200 m below ground)

11 Methanogens have been discovered in two extreme environments on Earth
1) Buried under kilometres of ice in Greenland 2) living in hot, dry desert soil.

12 Mars Some scientists have proposed that the presence of methane in the Martian atmosphere may be indicative of native methanogens on that planet

13 2) Extreme Halophiles *these "salt-loving" bacteria live in environments with a very high salt concentration that would kill most other bacteria. *use salt to get energy *Found in the Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake, etc.

14 Colonies of “salty” bacteria built this!!!
Shark bay, Australia. rocky formations up to 1.5 meters high which were built by colonies of halophiles.

15 3) Thermoacidophiles *Live in extremely hot (110 C) and acidic (pH 2) conditions. {The pH of water is about 7} Found in hot springs in Yellowstone National Park, in volcanic vents on land, & in cracks on the ocean floor that leak scalding acidic water

16 Bacteria Of Boiling Hot Springs In Yellowstone National Park

17 The overwhelming majority of bacteria are completely harmless
A teaspoon of soil generally contains between 100 million and 1 billion bacteria Beneficial Bacteria The overwhelming majority of bacteria are completely harmless

18 5 types of friendly bacteria
Nature’s recyclers In our body Food production Oil spills Nitrogen fixing bacteria

19 1) Saprotrophic Bacteria Nature’s recyclers
*release nutrients back into the environment *man-made landscapes often lack these good bacteria A scanning electron micrograph of the aerobic soil bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens. The bacterium uses its long, whiplike flagellae to propel itself through the water layer that surrounds soil particles.

20 2) Our bodies: Escherichia coli is a normal resident of the intestines in healthy people it helps us break down food waste products We pretty much depend upon E. coli in our intestines for our source of Vitamin K and B-complex vitamins.

21 3) Food production Streptococcus lactis bacteria convert milk to cheese by causing the souring of milk that begins the cheese making process, bacteria convert grapes to wine and then wine to vinegar The name for this process is FERMENTATION

22 Fermentation A chemical process that occurs when bacteria change sugar into various products It is a way that bacterial cells get energy without using oxygen Examples: Grapes----- Wine  Vinegar Milk -----Yogurt or cheese Cabbage ----- Sauerkraut

23 4) Oil spills Naturally occurring, oil-eating bacteria are used in response to crude oil spills without causing further harm to the environment.

24 How do oil spills cause harm?
*Birds die from oil spills if their feathers are covered in oil. The bird will then be poisoned because it will try to clean itself. *Oil may also cause the death of an animal by entering the animal’s lungs or liver More than half of the seal pups living off the coast of Mid-Norway are contaminated with oil every spring

25 5) Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
some plants (peanuts, beans, peas) have pockets of bacteria in their roots can take Nitrogen from the air and make it useful for plants and animals by making the soil fertile helps farmers save $ on fertilizers plants use Nitrogen to make needed proteins

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