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NEW FACULTY ORIENTATION 2011 Essential Policies Donna Bell Academic Integrity Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW FACULTY ORIENTATION 2011 Essential Policies Donna Bell Academic Integrity Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW FACULTY ORIENTATION 2011 Essential Policies Donna Bell Academic Integrity Officer

2 Contact Information   Academic Integrity Website  – access to AI forms and information  Exam Policy  Student Code of Academic Conduct

3 Examination Policy Senate Policy 135

4 Instructor’s Responsibility for Tests and Exams  Promote the integrity of process  Appropriate space  Reuse of old tests and exams  Rules must be consistently enforced  No cell phones or other unauthorized electronic devices  Bags at the front of the room  Use of washrooms – rover  No hats; only clear water bottles with labels removed  Vigilance is key  Know how to deal with suspected cheating

5 Exams at the MTCC (Metro Toronto Convention Centre)  Up to 2000 students per exam session  Generally reserved for large classes  Detailed instructions distributed and information sessions for involved faculty

6 Student Code of Academic Conduct Senate Policy 60

7 Basic Principles  Academic Integrity is a core university value  Faculty have the responsibility to act when academic misconduct is suspected  Academic Misconduct is  Plagiarism  Cheating  Misrepresentation of personal performance  Submission of false information  Damaging or tampering with the scholarly environment  Contributing to academic misconduct  Unauthorized copying or use of copyrighted materials

8 Faculty Obligations  Two options available when misconduct is suspected  Discussion with Academic Integrity Office (AIO) as facilitator  Discussion without AIO as facilitator  Determination of academic misconduct is confidential  Discussions are non-adversarial  If a grade must be assigned, assign a DEF until investigation is complete  Education is key

9 Penalties  Minimum penalty of a “0” on the work  May assign an F in the course  May additionally assign the Academic Integrity Tutorial (may be assigned without charging)  May consult with the AIO about recommending a higher penalty  DS  DW  Expulsion  Disciplinary Notice (DN) is automatic  Disciplinary Suspension (DS) for second offence

10 Procedures when you suspect Academic Misconduct Information and procedures Online forms for reporting suspicions Online forms for academic misconduct decisions Online forms for assigning Academic Integrity Tutorials



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