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Program Evaluation for Nonprofit Professionals Unit 1 Part 1: Introduction to Nonprofit Evaluation.

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1 Program Evaluation for Nonprofit Professionals Unit 1 Part 1: Introduction to Nonprofit Evaluation

2 Introductions!

3 Evaluation is… “… the systematic collection of information about the activities, characteristics, and outcomes of programs to make judgments about the program, improve program effectiveness, and/or inform decisions about future programming.” M.Q. Patton 1997

4 You Evaluate All the Time! You’ve seen evaluation in: Restaurant recommendations Product reviews Deciding if a strategy worked Decisions on bids, proposals, or job applicants Usually conducted for two main reasons: 1.To find areas improvement 2.To generate an assessment of overall quality or value

5 WARNING: Evaluation does not solve program problems. Only good USE of evaluation data solves program problems.

6 Wait…why is evaluation important?

7 Evaluation is valuable to nonprofits! Understand if the program is working Informs improvement Informs future decision making Smarter grant applications Contributions to the field Accountability!

8 Evaluation is important to funders! Accountability! Demonstration of return on investment Funders want to address social problems Many funders want to contribute to a more capable, more effective nonprofit sector Why would a funder invest in you if you can’t show good stewardship of those funds?

9 How do you know your program is effective? I just know! But we do really good work! Have an answer grounded in fact!

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