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Solubility and Solutions Unit Water as the ‘universal solvent’ By: Eric Boehm Dan Wostbrock Rebecca Uduma Rui Gloria SCE 572.

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Presentation on theme: "Solubility and Solutions Unit Water as the ‘universal solvent’ By: Eric Boehm Dan Wostbrock Rebecca Uduma Rui Gloria SCE 572."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solubility and Solutions Unit Water as the ‘universal solvent’ By: Eric Boehm Dan Wostbrock Rebecca Uduma Rui Gloria SCE 572

2 The New Science Framework and what it means Significant changes to all disciplines Blurring the lines between chemistry & physics Core ideas presented to students through their academic careers No need for course sequencing

3 The New Science Framework and what it means Our task is to help students establish connections between the core ideas Interwoven threads will strengthen each other and make a more lasting foundation Add to previous knowledge, less review of previous material (more depth, less breadth)

4 Four Core Ideas PS1: Matter and Its Interactions Structure and properties of matter Chemical reactions Nuclear processes Underlined topics will be touched upon in the solution unit

5 Four Core Ideas PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces & Interactions Forces and motion Types of interactions Stability and instability in physical systems

6 Four Core Ideas PS3: Energy Definitions of energy Conservation of energy & energy transfer Relationship between energy and forces Energy in chemical process and everyday life

7 Four Core Ideas PS4: Waves and Their Application in Technologies for Information Transfer Wave properties Electromagnetic radiation Information technologies and instrumentation

8 Four Core ideas No one course will have full ownership or responsibility for any of core ideas Each course will be adding to these ideas Helping students to make connections Building upon previous work and posing new questions (mirroring the Nature of Science)

9 The Unit: Solutions Solutions are not listed in the framework The concepts within this unit are foundational skills and knowledge This unit hits various topics throughout the framework No dramatic changes to the lesson other than incorporating connections to previously taught material in chemistry and other classes

10 What is a solution; solvent and solute Types of solutions – Liquid/liquid, liquid/solid, liquid/gas, gas/gas, solid/solid Factors in solubility and rates (today’s activity) Factors in solubility of gases: temperature & pressure The Unit: Solutions Learning Objectives and Targets

11 The Unit: Solutions Learning Objectives and Targets Cont. Solubility Curves (graph reading) Unsaturated, saturated and super saturated Molar concentrations and units of measurement Dilution of a solution New vocabulary dispersed throughout the unit

12 The Unit: Solutions Calendar Day 1Introduction to solutions – Detergents and milk Day 2 Inquiry Lab – Solubility factors that affect solution formation Day 3Solvents (polarity and water) Day 4Dilution of solutions lab Day 5Molarity of solutions

13 The Unit: Solutions Calendar: continued Day 6Introduction to solubility curves – Demo and quiz Day 7Ions in solution, electrolytes – Demo / lab Day 8Soap and Soap article – Nonfiction reading Day 9 Colligative properties Day 10Solutions test

14 Solutions: Interdisciplinary Connections Biology – Dissolved gasses in the blood, digestion – ‘the bends’ for divers – Electrolytes in the body, dissolved minerals Environmental Science – Transport of pesticides and detergent into oceans – Chemicals ‘leaching’ into water supplies (ppm of As) – Meaning of “the solution to pollution is dilution”

15 Solutions: Interdisciplinary Connections Civics – EPA regulations, what are ppms and ppbs English – Non-fiction reading Math – Unit conversions and graph reading and interpreting

16 Solutions: Modifications / Differentiation / Resources Modifications – Much of the math could be removed having more focus on the general concepts and trends Differentiation – Unit lends itself to instruction through lecture, hands on experiments and visuals Resources – Household materials (repeatable to sibling and parents) – Soap article and printable solubility graphs

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