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SEASON AND WEATHER Презентацию подготовила учитель английского языка: Шалунц А.А. МКОУ «Лицей №2» г.Михайловска.

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Presentation on theme: "SEASON AND WEATHER Презентацию подготовила учитель английского языка: Шалунц А.А. МКОУ «Лицей №2» г.Михайловска."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEASON AND WEATHER Презентацию подготовила учитель английского языка: Шалунц А.А. МКОУ «Лицей №2» г.Михайловска

2 Winter bring us snowflakes (снежинки), Spring – green buds and shoots (почки и побеги). Summer bring us beries (ягоды), Autumn – golden (золотые) fruits.

3 Spring is coming. Spring is coming. Flowers are coming, too
. Spring is coming! Spring is coming! Flowers are coming, too! Snowdrops, violets, tulips Birds are coming, too!

4 Translate from English into Russian: autumn, spring, winter, summer.
Translate from Russian into English: весна, зима, лето, осень.

5 W It is the season When fruit is sweet, It is the season When school-friends meet. m


7 W It is the season When children ski And Grandfather Frost brings the New Year Tree. A u t u m n


9 W i n It is the season When snowdrops bloom, It is the season When it is fresh and green, It is the season When birds come back. A u t u m n e r


11 W i S p r i n g n It is the season When it is hot, Birds can sing, We can swim. Flowers grow, Lots of fun. A u t u m n e r


13 W i S p r i n g n u A u t u m n e m r e r

14 The English Weather In England people like to speak about the weather every day. Spring in England is a nice season. It is warm. The trees and grass are green. The English summer is sunny but not very hot. It's windy. Autumn is a cool season. It is windy. It is a season of apples. Winter is not very cold. There is not much snow in winter. It is rainy and foggy.

15 Mark the right sentences and say is it true or false. 1
Mark the right sentences and say is it true or false. 1. The English summer is hot. 2. In spring it is warm. 3. In autumn it is windy. 4. Summer is a season of apples. 5. Winter is rainy and foggy.

16 Mark the right sentences and say is it true or false. 1
Mark the right sentences and say is it true or false. 1. The English summer is hot. - false 2. In spring it is warm. 3. In autumn it is windy. 4. Summer is a season of apples. 5. Winter is rainy and foggy.

17 Mark the right sentences and say is it true or false. 1
Mark the right sentences and say is it true or false. 1. The English summer is hot. – false 2. In spring it is warm. – true 3. In autumn it is windy. 4. Summer is a season of apples. 5. Winter is rainy and foggy.

18 Mark the right sentences and say is it true or false. 1
Mark the right sentences and say is it true or false. 1. The English summer is hot. – false 2. In spring it is warm. - true 3. In autumn it is windy. – true 4. Summer is a season of apples. 5. Winter is rainy and foggy.

19 Mark the right sentences and say is it true or false. 1
Mark the right sentences and say is it true or false. 1. The English summer is hot. – false 2. In spring it is warm. – true 3. In autumn it is windy. – true 4. Summer is a season of apples. – false 5. Winter is rainy and foggy.

20 Mark the right sentences and say is it true or false. 1
Mark the right sentences and say is it true or false. 1. The English summer is hot. – false 2. In spring it is warm. – true 3. In autumn it is windy. – true 4. Summer is a season of apples. – false 5. Winter is rainy and foggy. – true

21 January, February, March April, May and June July and August, goodbye summer Autumn’s coming soon Hey September, October, November It’s December, winter’s here Goodbye Christmas, that’s the end Time for another year January, February, March April, May and June July and August, goodbye summer Autumn’ s coming soon Hey September, October, November It’s December, winter’s here Goodbye Christmas, that’s the end Time for another year Goodbye Christmas, that’s the end Time for another year.

22 drizzle [drɪzl] морося́щий дождь
snow [snəu] снег rain [reɪn] дождь drizzle [drɪzl] морося́щий дождь wind [wɪnd] ве́тер hail [heɪl] град pour [pɔ:r] лить Let`s read it.

23 Thank you very much for your work. The lesson is over. Goodbye!

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