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Public schools - essentials A ll round - Body & Mind T emperament H ealth L eadership E ndeavour T eamwork I ntegrity C ohesion/Competition I nstrument.

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2 Public schools - essentials A ll round - Body & Mind T emperament H ealth L eadership E ndeavour T eamwork I ntegrity C ohesion/Competition I nstrument of Education S portmanship M uscular Christianity



5 THE INTRODUCTION OF RULES. In order that they should become acceptable, the nature of the games had to change. The image of “ young rowdies ” chasing a ball around a field was not one that either Arnold or his contemporaries could support. The introduction of rules was essential to social control.









14 The Christian ethic of “FAIR PLAY” ensured that it was seen as Honourable to play within those rules and unacceptable to do otherwise. Thus, the energies of the boys were diverted into what were seen as worthwhile pursuits. The captains of cricket and football were held in high esteem by both masters and boys. The games ethic was also important as a training medium for the officers and leaders of the next generation as it helped develop tactical and strategic skills. The harsh existence,the fagging system and the subjugation of oneself to a greater cause were all seen as entirely appropriate in the training of Christian young men.

15 The growing popularity of the Nation’s public schools led to the growth of a new generation of such establishments. Insufficient places in the great old public schools meant that others such as MARLBOROUGH, MALVERN, CLIFTON CHELTENHAM and WELLINGTON were founded to fill this need.



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