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Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 1 IEEE 802.21 MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: 21-05-00202-00-0000_MIH_Proposal_Lucent_Phase II Title: MIH Proposal.

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Presentation on theme: "Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 1 IEEE 802.21 MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: 21-05-00202-00-0000_MIH_Proposal_Lucent_Phase II Title: MIH Proposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 1 IEEE 802.21 MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: 21-05-00202-00-0000_MIH_Proposal_Lucent_Phase II Title: MIH Proposal Date Submitted: Jan, 9, 2005 Presented at IEEE 802.21 session #6 in Monterey Cal Authors or Source(s) from Lucent Technologies: Suman Das, Peretz Feder, Fang Hao, Ray Miller, Ajay Rajkumar, Sampath Rangarajan, Sameer Sharma, Yousif Targali Abstract: This presentation introduces a framework that supports media independent handover (MIH). The framework is proposed as a 2.5 layer module that interacts with both control and management plane but not data plane. The proposal includes the overall function and interface definition as well as various components of the framework.

2 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 2 IEEE 802.21 presentation release statements This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.21 Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE ’ s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE ’ s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.21. The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as outlined in Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development> Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual

3 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 3 Content Overview Restated Objectives PPP state transition as can be used by 3GPP and 3GPP2 Use of 3GPP2 LAC layer for most required 3GPP2 triggers Management plane vs. Control plane Call processing stick diagram

4 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 4 Overview MIH proposal Phase 2: –Show examples and various call flows enabling media independent handover (MIH) between 802.3/11/16, 3GPP, and 3GPP2 –Propose interface to LLC layer in 3GPP2 –Show example of PPP triggers state diagram –Argue against the exclusive use of management plane for the MIH functions –Rational for Layer 2 MIH

5 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 5 The Basic Premise Revisited MIH present goal is to support seamless handover of a data session (we are not attempting CS to VoIP seamless handover) Multi radio interface at the MT Data services are not free, the impetus is increased operator revenue and subscriber ownership. Enterprise case is a subset of the operator’s play. The subscriber bootstrap mechanism is under operator’s/enterprise control, hence Home network is the operator’s network. Dear subscriber: you don’t like the operator control? turn off the operator’s manager mechanism or churn to another manager domain Home network may not own or even control all the interfaces available to the MT Propose an MIH entity at the terminal that selects one of the available interfaces. The selection mechanism is vendor specific!! Network assisted through handover recommendation, SLA directory update or commands Layer 3 mobility is not optimized for real time applications and our objective is to improve or assist layer 3/>3 handover performance Upon decision, MIH invokes layer 3 (IP) handover mechanism providing it a single access choice Security and QoS on each interface is technology specific. No attempt to change any. Either accept it, map it or reject it as an operator/enter. policy

6 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 6 PPP (LCP, IPCP) state machine and trigger points Applicable to 3GPP and 3GPP2 PPP (LCP, IPCP) state machine and trigger points Applicable to 3GPP and 3GPP2 Dead (phy unavailable) Established LCP_Authenticate LCP_Terminate Network (IPCP) UP OPEN SUCCESS/NONE CLOSING DOWN FAIL LCP_OPENED IPCP_OPEN IPCP_OPENED IPCP_CLOSE config_req config_ack config_reject terminate_req MIH_LCP_LINK_OPEN.indication MIH_LCP_LINK_UP.indication MIH_LCP_AUTH_FAILURE.indication (phy_available) MIH_LCP_LINK_QUALTIY_FAILURE.indication MIH_LCP_CARRIER_FAILURE.indication MIH_LCP_TIMEOUT_FAILURE.indication Trigger could be from Established, Authenticate and Opened states MIH_LCP_CONFIG_FAILURE.indication MIH_LCP_LOCAL_CLOSING.indication MIH_LCP_REMOTE_CLOSING.indication MIH_IPCP_LINK_OPEN.indication MIH_IPCP_LINK_CLOSED.indication MIH_IPCP_CONFIG_FAILURE.indication MIH_IPCP_TIMEOUT.indication

7 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 7 MIH_PPP Service Definition – LCP triggers currently used in PPP can also become 802.21 compliant LCP trigger to MIH MIH_LCP_LINK_OPEN.indication - Link is Up but authentication is still to be performed MIH_LCP_LINK_UP.indication - Link is Up and authentication has been completed MIH_LCP_TERMINATED.indication – Link is terminated abnormally –MIH_LCP_AUTH_FAILURE.indication - authentication failure –MIH_LCP_CARRIER_FAILURE.indication - lower layer link failure –MIH_LCP_LINK_QUALTIY_FAILURE.indication – link quality below configured threshold –MIH_LCP_TIMEOUT_FAILURE.indication - link terminated because of time-out MIH_LCP_CLOSED.indication – Link is terminated normally. –MIH_LCP_LOCAL_CLOSING.indication - local administrative closing –MIH_LCP_REMOTE_CLOSING.indication – remote administrative closing

8 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 8 MIH_PPP Service Definition – IPCP triggers currently used in PPP can also become 802.21 compliant IPCP triggers to MIH MIH_IPCP_LINK_OPEN.indication MIH_IPCP_LINK_CLOSED.indication - closed normally MIH_IPCP_LINK_TERMINATED.indication – closed abnormally –MIH_IPCP_CONFIG_FAILURE.indication – a Configure Ack is not received –MIH_IPCP_TIMEOUT.indication - link terminated because of timeout

9 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 9 LAC Layer MIH integration with 3GPP2 Layer 3 Signaling PPP MAC Layer Applications PHY Layer (CDMA) Control plane User plane MIH PPP SAP IP L3S SAP

10 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 10 3GPP2 Triggers through LAC layer Reference: C.S0004-D V1.0 MIH_SIG_SAP –SIG-HandoffFPDCH.Indication: Indicates that a handoff of the packet data channel has occurred or when the packet data channel is initially assigned. –SIG-RemoveFPDCHLeg.Request: Request removing the pilot specified by index from the F-PDCH active set. MIH_LAC_SAP –L2-Condition.Notification –L2-Supervision.Request MIH_MAC_SAP –MAC-Availability.indication –MAC-AccessFailure.indication MIH_PHY_SAP –PHY-RCQICH.Request: Initiates the transmission of Channel Quality Indicator feedback information on the Reverse CQICH channel. –PHY-RCQICH.Indication: Indicates that a transmission on the R-CQICH has been received and decoded.

11 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 11 Ex: MIH function as it fits into the Window stack A response to one of the San Antonio questions

12 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 12 MIH Query and Mobile Initiated HO

13 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 13 MIH Query and Change Explained This scenario depicts a selection of 802.11 interface through a local AP. Once connected, the MIH issues an MIH query to obtain latest priority information, which includes cost of interface. Once obtained a new selection is made and the MIH at the MS directs the 802.16 interface to become active. 1: Evaluate and measure when appropriate each interface 2: Local MIH evaluates measurements, process resident polices as provided either at bootstrap or downloaded and determine proper link 3: MIH Instructs MS to connect via 802.11 link 4: Association message arrive from MS to AP MAC 5: MAC informs MIH link is up 6: 802.11 airlink established 7: MIH informs IP to send MIP advertisement at DL establishment 8: MIP advertisement sent over newly established link 9: End to end MIP Registration established (AR or FA assumed in path) 10: Bearer established with HA and CN (not shown) 11: MIH in MS query the MIH Info DB for priority rules (ex: cost of link) 12: Priority received indicates change required 13: MIH at MS conduct measurements again (neighboring list info assumed)

14 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 14 MIH Query and Change Explained, Cont. 14: MIH at MS instruct MS to connect via 802.16 link 15: Ranging and network entry 16: 802.16 MAC informs BS MIH link is up 17: 802.16 airlink established 18: 802.16 BS MIH directs IP to send MIP advertisement at DL establishment 19: End to end MIP Re-registration established (AR or FA assumed in path) 20: Bearer established with HA and CN (not shown)

15 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 15 Network Initiated: Loading Condition HO

16 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 16 Loading Condition Handover Explained This scenario depicts a steady state condition where 802.11 interface is selected and loading condition requires an HO. The 802.11 AP gets neighboring list from MIH Information Service and passes to Mobile’s MIH. Once measured, decided and connected, the MIH at the MS directs the wireline interface to become the bearer. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11:

17 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 17 Mobile Initiated HO: WLAN -> 3GPP

18 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 18 Handover to 3GPP Explained This scenario depicts a steady state condition where 802.11 interface is selected and loading condition requires an HO. The 802.11 AP gets neighboring list from MIH Information Service and passes to Mobile’s MIH. Once measured, decided and connected, the MIH at the MS directs the 3GPP interface to become the bearer. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11:

19 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 19 Example: Improved ARP mechanism with MIH 1.MIH in the Access Network obtains FA MAC address using Management Plane interface 2.MIH sends FA MAC address to the FA for use in the advertisement 3.Mobile IP Client at the terminal receives the FA advertisement and processes it. 4.Mobile IP client sends the MAC address in the form of hint/trigger/message to the MIH residing in the terminal 5.MIH at the terminal sends a trigger to the ARP cache function at the IP layer to update the ARP table avoiding ARP procedures

20 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 20 MIH Function – Why is it a layer concept (2.5)? The left side indicates an alternate concept to a layer and a new required plane if MIH is not a layer Reminder: this plane is a client manager relations, set, get, and traps

21 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 21 MIH function: layer 2.5 vs. cross-layer definitions Two alternatives –A separate entity across all layers, sort of MIH plane –Layer 2.5 Cross-layer MIH is suitable if link state information only comes from management plane, by accessing management SAPs such as MLME_SAP or PLME_SAP Layer 2.5 MIH is suitable when information is collected from both control plane and management plane –Previous presentation (21-04-0159-01-0000) defines MI_MSAP, MI_PhSAP –Accessing SAPs of neighboring layers is straightforward, such as MI_MSAP –Accessing SAPs cross layers can be implemented in one of two ways »Option 1: going through neighboring layer, e.g., to access MIH-PhySAP, the message is first encapsulated in MIH-MAC SAP, which pass it directly to PhySAP »Option 2: directly accessing MIH-PhySAP from MIH layer; this may be appropriate, for example, when such SAP access is implemented as function calls –Similar issues with other SAP definitions: MIH_AP, MIH_TR, and MIH_SAP

22 Peretz Feder et al. 21-05-0202-00-0000 Page 22 Value in having both Management Plane and Control Plane interface with the MIH Information is spread across both control and management planes Management plane typically has more complete information readily available –Static information »Link parameters: SSID, channel parameters, … »Roaming agreement –Snapshot of link statistics »Authentication logs »Transmission statistics: delay, loss, … –Such information is usually available in MIB and can be polled by MIH Polling from management plane should only be done occasionally, e.g., during startup or periodic refreshment since it is typically slow Control plane is faster in detecting dynamic link status changes, such as –Link up/down –Transmission failure –Authentication success/failure Dynamic link status is reflected in MIBs only after control plane detects it New primitives need to be added for both control and management plane –E.g., indication when signal strength crosses certain threshold

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