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Presentation on theme: "FIBA LEVEL 1 SCORETABLE COURSE Title."— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION The ‘third team’ in a basketball game are the game officials – that is, the referees and the scoretable. The scoretable officials must be accurate, knowledgeable and professional in all they do.. The key elements to being successful on the Scoretable are:- CORRECTNESS - RULE KNOWLEDGE CONCENTRATION - PERSONAL ABILITY Communication point COMMUNICATION - TEAM WORK CO-OPERATION - PROFESSIONAL Without these four elements the scoretable will not work

3 CODE OF CONDUCT Work with the referees and the teams to provide the best possible basketball experience for everyone. Officials should be trained, accredited and registered. Should wear the designated uniform Should not barrack or show reactions to referee calls No feel, drink or phones on table Arrive earlier enough to undertake all pre-game duties Carry your own set of coloured pens Use the foul bats Supervise the bench during game breaks Act professionally at all times

4 REFEREEING SIGNALS Signals for scoring

5 REFEREEING SIGNALS Signals for player numbers

6 REFEREEING SIGNALS Number of three throws awarded


8 STATUS OF THE BALL Ball Becomes Alive: Ball Becomes Dead:
When ball is legally tapped by a jumper When ball is at the disposal of the free throw shooter When ball is at the disposal fo the player for the throw-in Ball Becomes Dead: Official blows the whistle A field goal or free throw is made Game clock signals end of the period 24 second operator signal is sounded while a team is in control of the ball

9 TIME OUTS A timeout can be taken: On any whistle
Opponents score a field basket When last free throw is successful either team can have a time out. When a free throw is followed by throw-in at half way, wither team can have a time out. If the timeout is in the last 2 minutes of the game and requested by the non-scoring team, the ball is thrown-in at the half way line. Time outs are granted, provided it is requested before The official walks in to administer jump ball or free throw The ball is at the disposal of player for throw in. Time outs

10 TIME OUTS Time-out Five time-outs may be granted to each team during the normal playing time. Two time outs may be granted at any time during the first half (1st and 2nd periods) and Three (3) time-outs may be granted any time during the second half (3rd and 4th periods). One (1) time-out may be granted at any time during each period of extra time. Unused time-outs may not be carried over to the next half-time or extra period.

11 SUBSTITUTIONS A substitution can be called on any foul, jump ball, or time out. On any violation Opponents score the field goal in the last two minutes of the game When the last free throw is successful, either team may have a substitution. Opportunity for substitution ends when:- - The ball is at the disposal of the player for a throw in. - The ball is at the disposal of the player for the first or only free throw Substitutions when they can be taken

Players on - players off – as quickly as possible Fouled out or disqualified player –30 seconds Injured player – 1 minute Timing for subs

Alternating possession is a method of causing the ball to become live with a throw-in rather than a jump ball. In all jump ball situations, teams will alternate possession of the ball for a throw-in at the place nearest to where the jump ball situation occurs. The team that does not gain control of the live ball on the court after the jump ball which began the first period will start the alternating possession. The team entitled to the next alternating possession at the end of any period shall start the next period with a throw-in at the centre line extended,opposite the scorer ’s table.

14 PRE & POST GAME DUTIES Pre-game: Post-game: Check all equipment
Fill out scoresheet; chairman takes to home coach, and then to visiting coach to check player numbers and record captain, contact lenses and the starting 5. Ensure the marked starting 5 are the players entering the court at commencement of the game. Post-game: Complete the scoresheet and the summary sheet

15 WHO SITS WHERE? Chairperson in the centre Timekeeper to centre left
Scorer to centre right 24 second operator to end left Assistant scorer to end right Scoretable set up

16 CHAIRPERSON Pre-game duties (teams, starting 5’s, captains, contact lenses & coaches’ signatures) Responsible for communicating with the Referees Responsible for communication on the scoretable Ensures fouls and scores are recorded Calls the game to scorer Administer substitutions and timeouts Advises floor officials of player with 5 fouls Chairperson

17 SCORER Completes the scoresheet, keeping an accurate record of the game. Records the players as they enter the game for the first time Calls the score to the assistant scorer (visuals) Calls the fouls to the assistant scorer e.g. 2nd personal, 4th team Uses the foul bats 1 – 4 Box off personal fouls at the end of each period When the scoretable is not using a Chairperson, the scorer assumes the duties of the Chairperson Scorer

18 ASSISTANT SCORER Operates the visual scoring equipment
Gives an accurate score of the game, the game time, the fouls and the time-outs to players and spectators Communicates with the scorer to ensure accuracy between the visuals and scoresheet. Assistant scorer

19 TIMEKEEPER To accurately keep the playing time of the game
To start and stop the clock as per the rules To time- warm up, time outs, subs for fouled out players and injured players Notify officials when 50 seconds has expired in time –outs Count down the last ten seconds of the 24 second device. Timekeeper

20 CLOCK CLOCK STOPS – Fully timed game CLOCK STARTS – Fully timed game
On every whistle in the game Scored basket in last two minutes of the second half, or overtime Timeouts requested and opponents score a field basket (stop clock as ball passes through the basket) CLOCK STARTS – Fully timed game Jump ball- when the ball is legally tapped by a player From out of bounds – when ball is touched by a player on the court After last free throw – Successful – when touched by a player on the court after being thrown in from baseline. Missed – touches a player on the court from the rebound Clock stops and starts

21 24 Second Operator To hold or reset the 24 sec shot clock as per the rule book Notify the referee if the 24 sec device sounds and is not heard by the referees Count down last ten seconds of period for timekeeper. Shot clock operator

22 Hints for 24 second operators
Start the shot clock: When a team HAS CONTROL of the ball on the court Stop the shot clock: When a team loses control of the ball. Hold the shot clock: * Out of bounds – ball awarded to the same team * Injury to a player on the team with the ball Game stopped by the actions of the team in control of the ball Reset * ALL OTHER SITUATIONS Ball hits the ring on a shot; Other team gains control of the ball Any other whistle. Reset when the ball hits the ring and hold until a team has control on the court. If the ball does not hit the ring and the same team gains possession, there is NO RESET Hints for shot clock



25 RECORDING FOULS P – Personal foul (no free throws)
P1 P2 P3 Personal foul (number of free throws) U2 – Unsportsmanlike Foul (2 free throws) T2– Technical Foul (2 free throw) D2 – Disqualifying Foul (2 free throws) B2 – Bench Technical Foul (2 free throws) C2 – Coach Technical Foul (2 free throws) F – Disqualification of a substitute (fighting) Recording fouls

26 USING THE SCORESHEET 6 5 9 4 7 5 7 7 7 4 2 points green 6
2 points white 5 3 points green 4 1 point green 7 2 points green 7 2 points white 9 3 points white 5 1 point white 7 2 points white 4 Circle and underline score at end of each quarter for both teams 6 5 9 4 7 5 2 points green 6 2 points white 5 3 points green 4 1 point green 7 2 points green 7 2 points white 9 3 points white 5 1 point white 7 2 points white 4 Circle and underline score at end of each quarter for both teams 7 7 7 4

27 USING THE SCORESHEET End of game Score: 76 – 72 Circle final score.
Underline with double line – score & scorer. Diagonal line to end of column. End of game 76 – 72 circle underline double line diagonal line to indicate end of game

28 Completing the scoresheet at the end of the game
USING THE SCORESHEET 15 18 19 10 19 26 16 25 69 79 Quarter by quarter score –10 –19 – 25 76 72 Completing the scoresheet at the end of the game

29 USING THE SCORESHEET Completing the scoresheet at the end of the game
Winning score and team where to sign Completing the scoresheet at the end of the game

2 points for 4 2 2 3 points for 5 3 3 1 point for 6 Total the player scores for the quarter 1 1


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