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Homework # 13 - Pick up a half sheet from the front table.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework # 13 - Pick up a half sheet from the front table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework # 13 - Pick up a half sheet from the front table.
You will use your notes and the following pages to help complete the homework for next class. Red: pg Blue: pg WARM-UP: What is the best reward you have ever received? What is the worst punishment?

2 Hit List: Homework Make-up Work: side board
Grades Review Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Partner Work Unit Project

3 Review: Classical Conditioning
Before Conditioning: UCS  UCR (reflex) NS  No Response During Conditioning: UCS + NS  UCR After Conditioning: CS  CR Before Conditioning: Food  Salivation (reflex) Bell  No Response During Conditioning: Food + Bell  Salivation After Conditioning: Bell  Salivation


5 Review: Classical Conditioning
Before Conditioning: UCS  UCR (reflex) NS  No Response During Conditioning: UCS + NS  UCR After Conditioning: CS  CR Before Conditioning: Altoid Mint  Recognize bad breath/take mint Computer Noise  No Response During Conditioning: Altoid Mint + Computer Noise  Recognize bad breath/take mint After Conditioning: Computer Noise  Recognize bad breath/take mint

6 Learning Operant Conditioning

7 B. F. Skinner Operant Conditioning: Learning from consequences of behavior How does this differ from classical conditioning? Classical: experimenter presents the stimuli independent of the person’s behavior Operant: person must engage in a behavior in order for the outcome to occur (The rat must learn how to solve a problem of how to get food)

8 Reinforcement A consequence that increases the likelihood a behavior to occur again Positive reinforcement: Presenting something desirable; a reward Ex: Money for good grades Negative reinforcement: Taking away something you don’t like Ex: Taking aspirin to get rid of a headache Ex: Beeping when you leave the head lights on. You must turn off the lights to stop the beeping. Examples: Social approval, money, extra privileges What behaviors do you do to receive these reinforcement? There are obviously reinforcers that work better than others!

9 Schedules of Reinforcement
Continuous schedule: Reinforcement given every time something occurs Ex: Get a piece of candy every time you answer a question. Partial schedule: Reinforcement given only sometimes (4 types) Ex: Get a piece of candy sometimes when answer a question. Which do you think works better? Is behavior best maintained by reinforcing every response? Why?

10 Partial Schedules of Reinforcement
Ratio: behavior is reinforced based on the frequency of responses (Frequency: How often something occurs) Interval: behavior reinforced based on time

11 Partial Schedules of Reinforcement
Ratio Examples: Fixed-Ratio: reinforcement after a fixed # of responses Getting paid for every 5 pizzas made Variable-Ratio: reinforcement after a varying # of responses Playing a slot machine Interval Examples: Fixed-interval: reinforcement for response after a fixed time elapsed Getting a paycheck every Friday Variable-interval: reinforcement for response after random time periods Pop quizzes

12 Punishment Unpleasant consequence which decreases a behavior to occur again. Examples? Punishers and reinforcements depend on the learner!

13 Partner Work Reinforcement Punishment
- Positive reinforcement: Presenting something desirable; a reward Ex: Money for good grades - Negative reinforcement: Taking away something you don’t like Ex: Taking aspirin to get rid of a headache Ex: Beeping when you leave the head lights on. You must turn off the lights to stop the beeping. Punishment - Unpleasant consequence which decreases a behavior to occur again.

14 Which one? Indicate whether the following are PR (positive reinforcement), NR (negative reinforcement), or PN (punishment) The police stop drivers and give awards for safe driving. A baseball player glares at a teammate who makes an error. A mother gives candy to the crying child at the grocery store. You leave a building when the fire alarm sounds. A mother smiles when her child says “Mama”

15 Social Learning Homework #14 Questions Due Tuesday 5/5/09
Red: pg Blue: pg 1. Name and describe the three types of modeling. 2. Give an example of how you have displayed self-control as behavior modification. Due Tuesday 5/5/09

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