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GOES-R Cloud Phase Algorithm Integration Status. GOES-R Cloud Phase Integration The initial GOES-R cloud phase algorithm, modified to run on VIIRS data,

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Presentation on theme: "GOES-R Cloud Phase Algorithm Integration Status. GOES-R Cloud Phase Integration The initial GOES-R cloud phase algorithm, modified to run on VIIRS data,"— Presentation transcript:

1 GOES-R Cloud Phase Algorithm Integration Status

2 GOES-R Cloud Phase Integration The initial GOES-R cloud phase algorithm, modified to run on VIIRS data, was provided to the AIT *** Certain tests and thresholds have not yet been specifically tuned to VIIRS The GOES-R cloud phase algorithm was successfully integrated into and run on the AIT framework To ensure proper installation scene comparisons were run between output from the AIT framework and output from GEOCAT (where the algorithm was originally developed) – Results showed that the cloud phase output matched for 95.5% of pixels

3 GOES-R Cloud Phase Integration AIT Output Cloud phase matched for 95.5% of pixels GEOCAT Output

4 GOES-R Cloud Phase Validation The GOES-R cloud phase algorithm was validated using a 24-hour period of VIIRS data from November 10, 2012. Validation was performed using collocated CALIPSO data for pixels detected as cloud from both the GOES-R and CALIPSO cloud masks. Validation was performed for the entire dataset but was also separated by day/night, land/water and high latitude/low latitude (60 deg) pixels The validation was also filtered by the optical depth calculated by CALIPSO

5 The next 3 slides show the 24-hour validation results for the following cloud phase algorithms: – Official VIIRS cloud phase algorithm (version ADL4.2+Mx8.0 - provided by Weizhong Chen) – GOES-R cloud phase algorithm (applied to VIIRS) integrated into the AIT framework – GOES-R cloud phase algorithm (applied to VIIRS) after initial in-house (UW- CIMSS) threshold tuning (not yet available in AIT framework) VIIRS Cloud Phase Validation

6 > 0.0>0.1>0.2>0.3>0.4>0.5>2.0 All data 0.7780.8330.8490.8550.858 0.821 daytime 0.7700.8190.8340.8400.842 0.800 nighttime 0.7850.8470.8650.8720.8740.8750.839 Over land 0.7900.8270.8470.8560.858 0.797 Over water 0.7720.8330.8490.8540.8560.8570.824 Lat > 60 deg 0.8170.8460.8500.8510.8490.8470.797 Lat <60 deg 0.7690.8290.8490.8560.8590.8600.825 VIIRS Cloud Phase Validation Using the CALIPSO Cloud Phase filtered by Optical Depth November 10, 2012 Optical Depth Filter This chart shows the fraction of the VIIRS cloud phase pixels (filtered by the CALIPSO optical depth) that report a water or ice cloud when the collocated CALIPSO cloud phase agreed Official VIIRS cloud type algorithm version ADL4.2+Mx8.0

7 > 0.0>0.1>0.2>0.3>0.4>0.5>2.0 All data (diff. from official VIIRS alg.) 0.785 (+.007) 0.849 (+.016) 0.858 (+.009) 0.861 (+.006) 0.862 (+.004) 0.863 (+.005) 0.846 (+.025) daytime 0.7930.8540.8630.866 0.8670.857 nighttime 0.7760.8430.8520.8550.8570.8580.829 Over land 0.7580.8160.8300.8350.836 0.773 Over water 0.7940.8600.8670.8700.8710.8720.862 Lat > 60 deg 0.8260.8540.8600.8620.8610.8620.848 Lat <60 deg 0.7760.8470.8570.8600.8620.8630.848 VIIRS Cloud Phase Validation Using the CALIPSO Cloud Phase filtered by Optical Depth November 10, 2012 Optical Depth Filter This chart shows the fraction of the GOES-R cloud phase pixels (filtered by the CALIPSO optical depth) that report a water or ice cloud when the collocated CALIPSO cloud phase agreed GOES-R cloud type algorithm applied to VIIRS currently integrated into the AIT framework

8 > 0.0>0.1>0.2>0.3>0.4>0.5>2.0 All data (diff. from official VIIRS alg.) 0.816 (+.038) 0.873 (+.04) 0.879 (+.03) 0.882 (+.027) 0.884 (+.026) 0.884 (+.026) 0.864 (+.043) daytime 0.8170.8710.8770.880 0.8820.866 nighttime 0.8150.8750.8810.8830.886 0.858 Over land 0.7970.8520.8620.8680.8690.8700.817 Over water 0.8220.8800.8850.8860.888 0.846 Lat > 60 deg 0.8490.8720.8760.8770.876 0.874 Lat <60 deg 0.8090.8730.8800.8830.8850.8860.867 VIIRS Cloud Phase Validation Using the CALIPSO Cloud Phase filtered by Optical Depth November 10, 2012 Optical Depth Filter This chart shows the fraction of the GOES-R cloud phase pixels (filtered by the CALIPSO optical depth) that report a water or ice cloud when the collocated CALIPSO cloud phase agreed GOES-R cloud type algorithm applied to VIIRS with more advanced threshold tuning (performed in-house at UW-CIMSS)

9 GOES-R Cloud Phase Integration Summary An initial version of the GOES-R cloud phase algorithm was provided to the AIT and was successfully integrated into their framework Scene comparisons showed that the output from the AIT framework replicated the developer’s output for 95.5% of pixels Initial validation shows that the current version of the GOES-R cloud phase algorithm in the AIT framework performs slightly better (~1%) than the official VIIRS algorithm (version ADL4.2+Mx8.0) from IDPS Initial threshold tuning (specific for VIIRS) has noticeably improved the validation (3%-4% higher) with further improvements coming

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