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By Laura © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013. Full stop You put the full stop at the end of a sentence. E,g  A dog likes bones.  A horse likes hay.

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Presentation on theme: "By Laura © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013. Full stop You put the full stop at the end of a sentence. E,g  A dog likes bones.  A horse likes hay."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Laura © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013

2 Full stop You put the full stop at the end of a sentence. E,g  A dog likes bones.  A horse likes hay.  A flower grows.  A banana is yellow.. © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013

3 Question mark Question mark goes at the end of a question E.g.  What's your name?  Do you like school?  How old are you?  Do you like dolphins? ? © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013

4 Exclamation mark ! Exclamation mark is used at the end of a sentence or a short phrase which expresses very strong feeling. E.g.  What a lovely view you have here!  That's fantastic!  Help! An exclamation mark is also usual after an exclamation beginning with what or how E.g  What fools people can be!  How well Marshall bowled yesterday! © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013

5 Comma, You use commas for listing and joining 2 sentences together. E.g  I like fruit especially Strawberrys,rasberrys and apple.  My friends names are Bethany, Ellie and Jade. Joining sentences together E.g  You must hand in your essay by Friday, or you will receive a mark of zero.  Norway has applied to join the EC, and Sweden is expected to do the same. © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013

6 Colon : Colon can be used to introduce a list, extended quotation and introduce an explanation of a statement. List E.g  Here are some chocolate bars: Mars bar, milky way and snicker. Extended Quotation E.g  Bill said to his mum: “Can I have some popcorn, please?.” Explanation of a statement E.G  A lion: large, land based feline predator situated in a pride. © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013

7 Semi colon ; It is used to join two complete sentences into a single written sentence. E,g  Pass Ben his pencil case; it belongs to him.  Pass Annie her lunch money; it belongs to her  Give Spotty the dog his bone; it belongs to him © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013

8 Capital Letters Use capital letters to start a sentence, languages, days off the week, months and names of countries, your name beginning of quotations. Sentence e.g. Learn the names of countries. Languages e.g Julie speaks English, French and German. Days of the week I love Mondays. Months Emma's birthday is in March. Countries It is hot in China. Name My name is Luke. Quotations “What's your favourite colour?” © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013

9 Abbreviation An abbreviation is a short way of writing a word or a phrase that could also be written out in full. E,g  Dr = Doctor  Prof= Professor  a.m = Before noon  p.m= After noon  b.c= before the birth of Christ  a.d= after the birth of Christ  b.c.e= Before the common era  c.e =Of the common era  RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013

10 Quotation marks “” A pair of quotation marks encloses a direct quotation. E,g  “ Do you like singing?”  “ Do you have a pet?”  “What's your favourite animal?”  “ Do you play a instrument?” © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013

11 Paragraph Start a new paragraph when you start a new topic. E,g  I love eating cake because it is delicious. I especially like chocolate because the chocolaty taste makes it nice.  I like pizza because she can put your own topping on it so you can choose what you have. Overall I like pizza better because you can have it hot or cold whereas cake only can only have it cold. © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013

12 Now its your turn  I went to the park  Do you like cats  Help  I like fruit especially apples raspberries and strawberries  Here are some sweets skittles smarty's and strawberry Millions  Pass Ellie her school bag it belongs to her  i like eating pizza and ice cream  Jade asked her friend are you coming to my party  Do you play a instrument  That's fantastic  my name is charlotte and my birthday is in april. i like running Complete the following: © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013

13 Answers  I went to the park.  Do you like cats?  Help!  I like fruit especially apples, raspberries and strawberries.  Here are some sweets: skittles, smarty's and strawberry Millions.  Pass Ellie her school bag; it belongs to her.  I like eating pizza and ice cream.  Jade asked her friend “Are you coming to my party? ”  Do you play a instrument?  That's fantastic!  My name is Charlotte and my birthday is in April. I like running. © Graham Tyrer and Patrick Taylor 2013


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