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Wychickia Watkins Content Area: Language Arts Grade Level: 1 Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to introduce sentence punctuation.

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Presentation on theme: "Wychickia Watkins Content Area: Language Arts Grade Level: 1 Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to introduce sentence punctuation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Wychickia Watkins

3 Content Area: Language Arts Grade Level: 1 Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to introduce sentence punctuation. Students will be introduced to telling sentences and questions. Learning Objective: Given a sentence, the student will be able to place the correct punctuation in the sentence with 100% accuracy. Content Standard: L.1.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. B. Use end punctuation for sentences Accomplishment: The student will learn the structure of sentences and punctuation rules. The student will become efficient in writing and fluent in the English language.

4  A sentence is a group of words that tell a complete thought.  A sentence always starts with a capital letter  A sentence always ends with a punctuation mark.  Most sentences end with a period(.)or a question mark (?).

5  Telling Sentences are sentences that tell something.  Telling Sentences are statements and end in period. Most fish swim in a school.

6  A question is something that is being asked.  A question starts with a capital letter.  A question ends with a question mark.  Here are some major keywords used in questions: How, Who, When, Where, What, Will Where do horses live?

7 The pig is big ____ Which punctuation mark should u choose?

8 Correct!!! A is the correct punctuation mark.

9 The cow jumped over the moon ____ Which punctuation mark should u choose?

10 Fred Frog, wants you to try again.

11 Correct!!! A is the correct punctuation mark.

12 Are the puppies out in the rain___ Which punctuation mark should u choose?


14  You are doing GREAT!!!!

15  For extra practice visit this website: punct01.html

16  %20Curriculum%20Standards%20-%20Combined.pdf %20Curriculum%20Standards%20-%20Combined.pdf   Microsoft Office Clip Art

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