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TFEIP/EIONET meeting 1/11/2006, Thessaloniki TACIS Training Seminar on Air and Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories and Reporting Almaty,19 – 20 October.

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Presentation on theme: "TFEIP/EIONET meeting 1/11/2006, Thessaloniki TACIS Training Seminar on Air and Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories and Reporting Almaty,19 – 20 October."— Presentation transcript:

1 TFEIP/EIONET meeting 1/11/2006, Thessaloniki TACIS Training Seminar on Air and Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories and Reporting Almaty,19 – 20 October 2006 Eva Goossens (EEA) Martin Adams (AEAT), Renate Ishmukhametov (UNFCCC), Tinus Pulles (TNO) and Brinda Wachs (UNECE)

2 TFEIP/EIONET meeting 1/11/2006, Thessaloniki TACIS  Technical Aid to the Commonwealth of Independent States  Institutional restructuring programme  European Commission  Since 1991  12 EECCA Countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan)

3 TFEIP/EIONET meeting 1/11/2006, Thessaloniki EEA TACIS project EEA TACIS project  Goal: support EEA in collection of environmental data and capacity building in EECCA countries  3 main components: Environmental assessment (air, water and waste) Reporting on water quality Reporting on air (air pollutant/GHG emissions and air quality) Capacity building of EECCA country experts –Workshop 1: Air pollutant and GHG emission inventories (Almaty, 19-20 Oct) –Workshop 2: Air pollution (Moldova;7-8 Nov) Russian translation of EMEP/CORINAIR Guidebook chapters

4 TFEIP/EIONET meeting 1/11/2006, Thessaloniki Training seminar: What have we discussed? DAY ONE  International reporting obligations (UNFCCC, CLRTAP)  Available sources of inventory guidance  International inventory review process  Institutional arrangements and overcoming obstacles DAY TWO  Activity data  Emission factor issues  Dataflows and QA/QC  Some available software tools  Sector-specific training: transport / iron and steel

5 TFEIP/EIONET meeting 1/11/2006, Thessaloniki Key messages & conclusions  Inventories are based on science but are primarily policy-driven activities performed in response to the obligations undertaken by Governments  Work will always by limited by resources  An inventory just has to be good enough (key sources)  Inventory compilation is a process of continuous improvement that never ends  Many emission inventory tools and guidance available  A clear cycle for inventory compilation is important  Need for a good communication with dataholders  Discussions between countries, (formal and in-formal links)

6 TFEIP/EIONET meeting 1/11/2006, Thessaloniki Future capacity building workshops: suggestions  Content Examples of institutional arrangements in EECCA countries Training on available inventory IT tools Calculation of uncertainties How to use of facility level data for the national inventory (reliability, incompleteness)  Set-up Extended training period for experts (3-4 days) More practical work Country-specific training  Additional request Translation of published materials in Russian (i.e. international inventory guidelines, manuals etc)

7 TFEIP/EIONET meeting 1/11/2006, Thessaloniki Russian translation of EMEP/CORINAIR Guidebook  Translation into Russian:  PART A: Index, comments and introduction  PART B: General methodology, good practice etc  Group 1: Combustion in energy and transformation industries  Group 2: Non-industrial combustion plants  Group 3: Combustion in the manufacturing industry  Group 4: Production processes  Group 7: Road transport (updated chapter)  Group 8: Other mobile sources and machinery   Review of translated chapters required

8 TFEIP/EIONET meeting 1/11/2006, Thessaloniki Thank you for your attention!

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