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Published byDina Davidson Modified over 9 years ago
EMODNET Preparatory Actions Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010 Progress Report Chemical Lot Alessandra Giorgetti Matteo Vinci Alberto Brosich (OGS)
Chemical lot – focus on 3 Geographic areas NORTH SEA BLACK SEA MEDITERRANEAN SEA Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010 5 spots
Chemical lot – Parameters - Choice based on MSFD requirements - Time series, geographically representative datasets - Selected from 8 groups in 3 matrices - 17 selected for product generation in the three regions Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010
Parameter selected – water column dissolved + particulate Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010 Parameter mapping
Parameter selected - sediment Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010 Parameter mapping
Parameter selected - biota Fixed as target species Mytilus (Edulis/Galloprovincialis) Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010 Parameter mapping
EMODNET Chemical lot uses SeaDataNet V1 infrastructure for the technical set-up: SDN Standards for background data, metadata and products : CDI (xml ISO 19115) mechanism to access data with data policy management, ODV format for background data exchange, SDN Security Services for users registrations, and SDN Delivery Services for data access and downloading, DIVA software tool to produce gridded data products and error maps as NetCDF files, SDN Products catalogue (CAMIOON system) and SDN Products viewing services for discovery, access, visualization and downloading of data products. Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010
New elements developed for EMODNET Chemical pilot: extended SDN Vocabulary (P021 for CDI and P061 for units covers all chemical parameters selected) - METADATA extended SDN Vocabulary (P011 for ODV) - DATA EMODNET Chemical portal – operational EMODNET Chemical CDI directory – populated and continuously updated EMODNET Chemical CDI User Interface - launched EMODNET Products Viewing Service Ocean Browser – launched EMODNET Products Discovery Services – under development ODV/DIVA software is used to produce maps Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010
CDI metadata Path from DATA to PRODUCTS North Sea EMODNET Chemical Buffer Vocabulary Web services SeaDataNet Worms Regional QC Data Codes Region al Product s Med Sea SeaDataNet Worms Local data compliation (ODV) Regional QC Vocabulary Web services Region al Product s CDI metadata Product Output (NetCDF) Data Input (ODV) Product Output (NetCDF) Black Sea SeaDataNet Worms Local data compliation (ODV) Regional QC Vocabulary Web services Product Output (NetCDF) Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010
Data collection started with: nutrients in the water column: then extended to all other selected chemicals in the water column (organic matter – DOC and TN, …), then to synthetic compounds, hydrocarbons and heavy metals in the sediments and biota (considering the target species MYTILUS). All partners produced ODV files for the regional task leaders (NERI, MHI, HCMR) All partners produced CDI entries for User interface (Maris) WP2 – Data collection and metadata compilation Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010
Progress on data collection and metadata compilation in the three regions Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010
-4/62 -4/49 13/62 13/49 About the Greater North Sea (NERI-MAR) - boundaries for the regional data products
About the Greater North Sea (NERI-MAR) - data for the regional products data collection take advantage of the existing ICES database DOME extract from DOME to the regional data pool (EMODNET Chemical Buffer Database) => North Sea partners only have to report additional datasets to the regional data pool (except nutrients) Partners: NERI, ICES, NERC-BODC, IFREMER, BSH-DOD, VLIZ, IMR, RBINS-MUMM, SMHI, RWS/NIOZ.
Data collection - data distribution – North Sea Status at November 2010: Samples per parameter per matrix DIVA maps available at the EMODNET portal
EMODnet Chemical aim - overview – data available the goal is to show reliable and useful maps if possible to produce them a simply overview of data available pr. parameter pr. matrix gives us some information but what about data distribution in space and time ? in the matrix biota notice the many different species and which item measured (liver, muscles..) in the sediment matrix notice the different grain sizes
November 22, 2010 16 data availability – measurements - pr. parameter pr. matrix
space and time – matrix biota the overall data distribution for matrix biota is fine in time and space, but…
space and time - biota example PB - repeated measurements at the stations for many years, but spatial coverage could be better
space and time - biota another example PB – number of measurements okay but limited time period and no good spatial coverage
space and time - biota another example PB – number of measurements and time period okay, but data from coastal areas
November 22, 2010 21 data availability – measurements - pr. parameter pr. matrix
space and time – matrix sediment good overall spatial coverage, but be aware of grain size fraction – example PB
space and time – matrix sediment grain size fraction (µm) – example PB
Only a few parameters candidates for DIVA-maps data products generation limited spatial coverage explanations for the limited spatial coverage: data from coastal areas or along the coast (number of measurements and time period often okay) there are repeated measurements at some few stations for many years, but the spatial coverage is very limited In sediment and biota matrix the different grain size fractions and measurement methods and item measured (liver, muscles...) often are a limiting factor for a good and homogeneous data coverage Actions and conclusions – North Sea Other viewing approach is needed for a lot of the EMODNET parameters => to show time series (from the expert workshop in Venice 2010) Partners still have focus on delivering CDI´s (to MARIS) for the EMODNET selected parameters Progress on data harvesting and product generation
Example: Nitrate in the matrix water column, layer: 10 meters depth, month 1, data from 1970 to 2009 Theme: Nitrate Nitrogen [NO3-N, umol/l], masked using relative error threshold 0.5 Product generation: DIVA-map Nitrate in the water column
EMODNET water nutrients Data collection in the Black Sea Nr 00PartnerCountry Total profiles Measurements O2PO4 Total P PHAlkSIO3NO2NO3NH4 Total N 13 RIHMI- WDCRU904 5343368033404635246916542803314 SIO- RASRU147 888837249226286855311361876152 15MHIUA2500 1694687730612783937923612601436488 16IO-BASBG124 865277703248000000 17NIMRDRO2268 99956548000102076892772952750 18 TSU- DNAGE10 2025000027302927 Yug NIROUA215126536500012239000 Mb UHMIUA14474521400641180000 Ukr SCESUA 19163587157881914560011555490836 TOTAL 8228396541440120805461182414150124391155066491517
EMODNET Data collection in the Black Sea NrPartnerCountry Total profiles Measurements DDTPbHgCdCs-137Cs-134Sr-90 Heavy metals in sediments 14 RIHMI- WDC RU398 98100 0000 15MHIUA1267 0000422 42375 18TSU-DNAGE0000000349 TOTAL166598100 422 423424
EMODNET profiles distribution in the Black Sea
05/11/10 Black Sea maps examples Phosphates (0 m) Silicates (100 m) Nitrates (0 m)
The new data received from UkrSCES and TSU-DNA are passing the quality control procedure in the department of hydrochemistry of MHI. Plans for the nearest future Updating the maps on nutrients after the new data have passed the quality check; Preparing the maps on heavy metals distribution in sediments in the area of the Kerch strait (if there is a good data coverage); Estimation of the long-term variability of the nutrients in the North-West part of the Black Sea. Black Sea Actions
Mediterranean Pool (8278 st) 5 spots: Balearic Sea Gulf of Lion North Adriatic Sea Gulf of Athens NE Levantine basin
Parameters in Water Column
Annual distribution Spatial distribution per year Nitrate (C14) Phosphate (C15) SPAIN Fertilisers
Vertical distribution per season Spatial distribution per season SPAIN Fertilisers Nitrate (C14) Phosphate (C15) Similar distribution for Phosphate (C15)
Vertical distribution per month Spatial distribution per month SPAIN Fertilisers Similar distribution for Nitrates (C14) Phosphate (C15) The data density is better for the seasonal time scale compared to the annually and monthly scales
FRANCE Ferilisers, Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) Temporal distribution per year Nitrate (C14) POC(C16)
Vertical distribution per season Spatial distribution per season FRANCE Fertilisers Nitrate (C14) The seasonal time scale is chosen for the data products
The dataset that was used for the maps production at the North Adriatic is not complete because of an error that was found in the Medatlas format (record lines) This error does not allow import of all stations in ODV A correct data set has already been requested The calculations will be repeated with the full dataset North Adriatic data set
Spatial distribution per year Nitrate (C14) PC1P (C16) Annual distribution GREECE Fertilisers, Particulate Organic Carbon (PC1P)
Vertical distribution per season Spatial distribution per season GREECE Fertilisers Nitrate (C14) Phosphate (C15)
Vertical distribution per season Spatial distribution per season GREECE Particulate/Total Org. Carbon (PC1P, TOCW) PC1P(C16) Total dissolved Carbon (TOCW) PC1P (C16) Similar are the distributions for the Metals in the water column
Vertical distribution per month Spatial distribution per month The seasonal time scale and selected years are chosen for the products GREECE Fertilisers
Parameters CyprusGreeceFranceItalySpain Heavy Metal Cd (C7)* 133 samples * Pd (C8)* 21 samples * Pesticides DDT (C1)* 74 samples HCB (C2)* 54 samples BIOTA /Mussel (time series data)
An example... HCMR has 3 monitoring stations for pesticides (PAH, HCB, DDT) in biota the last 15 years
Spatial distribution per season Vertical distribution per season CYPRUS, Fertilisers data distribution (2000, 2001, 2002)
CYPRUS, Radionuclides (Cs137) (November 1998)
All partners to check for consequent updating to improve the data coverage and the quality of the products A minimum of 10 stations in each layer is chosen in order to perform the analysis. As background field a semi-normed analysis using all the available data in each layer is used. Italy: to resend the data set (have already been asked); data are not imported correctly in ODV Additional data (from Spain or France) to fill the gap and to be able to do the analysis in a larger area? Med Summary/Actions
Common path for Maps generation started with: nutrients in the water column (3 regions), then the analysis were extended to other chemicals in the three matrices to understand the data distribution and define the possible product to generate. A document of common QC/QA procedures has been made available. Probably a QC/QA workshop will be organized by ICES in spring 2011 WP3 – QC/QA and products Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010
WP4 – Technical development and portal operation Live demonstration of EMODNET Portal EMODNET extranet for project documentation – July 2009 EMODNET Pilot Portal for Chemistry – March 2010 Filled with core services: Metadata Discovery and Downloading service – May 2010 Data Products Viewing and Downloading service – May 2010 Recent updates : New CDI discovery matrix “Variables VS Regions” - November 2010 New features for Ocean Browser Viewing service – November 2010 Users feedback web page with on line forms – October 2010 Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010
Difficulties in EMODNET Chemical pilot represented by : data complexity: the measurements related to different environments 8 groups of parameters (pesticides, antifoulants, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, radionuclides, fertilisers, organic matter) 3 matrices (sediment, water column and biota) heterogeneity of the sampling (coastal points time series Vs homogenous sampling) and measurement methods (instrument, method, target species, target basis, grain sizes) makes critical the use of DIVA standard interpolation. An Expert workshop (Venice, September 2010) was organised to discuss. Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010
Expert workshop agenda, some important issues were: Review and discussion on Emodnet Chemical data and products availability; Review how to move from data to products, what kind of products can be done with Emodnet Chemical data; Best way of answering users needs from different sectors. Expert workshop discussion summary of decisions: Show data availability maps the matrix “Variables VS Marine regions” could be a good answer; Standard Diva Interpolated maps produced for parameters with suitable data coverage, measured on basin scale; For coastal points repeated in time or datasets with fragmented coverage show station maps with plots of measured time series (not trends not Emodnet Chemistry target) of homogenous data with link to data collection methods (products metadata). Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010
An example... HCMR has 3 monitoring stations for pesticides (PAH, HCB, DDT) in biota the last 15 years
NODC Regional buffers Create Graphics with ODV IFREMER OceanBrowser Map (GetMap) and URL of images (GetFeatureInfo) URL of image ( coordinates (longitude, latitude) and parameter type Images of time series,... Tech flow chart about time series products: Development steps: First step: store the images at a centralized place Afterwards: we will consider to use the regional buffers as a place to store these images (decentralized approach) linked to OceanBrowser A first test example at Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010
Project timetable – planning diagram Third six-monthly progress meeting for ur-EMODNET preparatory actions, 29 November 2010 Upgrade month 19th to 24th
Project timetable First year dedicated to set up the system components (regional pools, SDN vocabs for chemical parameters mapping, portal core services – CDI, discovery, viewing) First six months of II year activity continued with : Data population and products generation Increased portal functionalities (viewing, services, harmonisation) Venice Expert meeting on data and products (data source, kind of products) Service for products validation based on feedback from experts and users Third Phase: Progress with data population, analysis, normalization, products generation and dataset updates Time series common products generated (ODV plots) and technical solutions to link them to the viewing service (WMS) SDN infrastructure upgrade to manage data complexity VS adopted standard needs (vocabularies, products metadata)
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