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By Brad kattler. Which is better The Answer They are both the same.

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Presentation on theme: "By Brad kattler. Which is better The Answer They are both the same."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Brad kattler

2 Which is better

3 The Answer They are both the same

4 Definition of computer “A device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high-speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles, stores, correlates, or otherwise processes information.”

5 Apple Macs Advantages and disadvantages

6 Advantages Customer Service Apple provide customer service that exceed other companies for example dell’s. Hardware Integration Hardware made for apple computers works with all versions of Mac os without problems Updates to Operating System All upgrades come out in one package with one price

7 Advantages Simple to use The Mac Os is easy to use and is suitable for all users Resistance to harmful attacks Apple computers are also cromey Most good games are on mac

8 Disadvantages Hardware Selections You don't have much choice of hardware Not customise able Hardware upgrades can only be done by the pros. Limited software Most windows software is not available on Mac

9 Disadvantages Price Apple products are very expensive

10 Apples mistakes

11 Apples software Vm fusion Allows Macs to run windows without much problems Boot camp does the same but free

12 Apples computers

13 I Mac

14 Windows Advantages and disadvantages

15 Advantages of windows Windows easy to use Works on almost every system Has different applications for everything Most applications work on windows (except vista) Easily customisable

16 More advantages Windows systems are usually cheap Components can be mixed and matched Different software versions for different people i.e. Xp, vista, 7

17 Windows Disadvantages Operating systems can be expensive Home make systems can have issues (hardware /drivers) Really bad support Security issues

18 Thankyou Have a nice day

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