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Accent 1 Accent 3 Accent 5 Accent 2 Accent 4 Accent 6 R 0 G 163 B 225 R 51 G 183 B 232 R 116 G 198 B 238 R 254 G 213 B 61 R 254 G 228 B 144 R 253 G 220.

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Presentation on theme: "Accent 1 Accent 3 Accent 5 Accent 2 Accent 4 Accent 6 R 0 G 163 B 225 R 51 G 183 B 232 R 116 G 198 B 238 R 254 G 213 B 61 R 254 G 228 B 144 R 253 G 220."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accent 1 Accent 3 Accent 5 Accent 2 Accent 4 Accent 6 R 0 G 163 B 225 R 51 G 183 B 232 R 116 G 198 B 238 R 254 G 213 B 61 R 254 G 228 B 144 R 253 G 220 B 107 Colour Palette Background 1 Text 1 R 255 G 255 B 225 R 0 G 0 B 0 Background 2 Text 2 R 255 G 205 B 0 R 132 G 151 B 158 Being Home 2025 15 September 2015

2 Accent 1 Accent 3 Accent 5 Accent 2 Accent 4 Accent 6 R 0 G 163 B 225 R 51 G 183 B 232 R 116 G 198 B 238 R 254 G 213 B 61 R 254 G 228 B 144 R 253 G 220 B 107 Colour Palette Background 1 Text 1 R 255 G 255 B 225 R 0 G 0 B 0 Background 2 Text 2 R 255 G 205 B 0 R 132 G 151 B 158 15 September 2015 Being Home 2025: The National Road & Motorists Association 1 The NRMA has been helping people for many years, and we want to be here when you need us for many more. Our Member’s needs and expectations are rapidly changing. We need to keep evolving to remain relevant and valued We need to continue to create reasons for people to belong To this end, we have embarked on a strategy to invest in new ways to help people more often. Community Engagement Strategy

3 Accent 1 Accent 3 Accent 5 Accent 2 Accent 4 Accent 6 R 0 G 163 B 225 R 51 G 183 B 232 R 116 G 198 B 238 R 254 G 213 B 61 R 254 G 228 B 144 R 253 G 220 B 107 Colour Palette Background 1 Text 1 R 255 G 255 B 225 R 0 G 0 B 0 Background 2 Text 2 R 255 G 205 B 0 R 132 G 151 B 158 15 September 2015 Being Home 2025| The National Road & Motorists Association 2 Community Engagement Strategy NRMA Living Well Navigator Helping Australians age well

4 Accent 1 Accent 3 Accent 5 Accent 2 Accent 4 Accent 6 R 0 G 163 B 225 R 51 G 183 B 232 R 116 G 198 B 238 R 254 G 213 B 61 R 254 G 228 B 144 R 253 G 220 B 107 Colour Palette Background 1 Text 1 R 255 G 255 B 225 R 0 G 0 B 0 Background 2 Text 2 R 255 G 205 B 0 R 132 G 151 B 158 The Owl Rating System Being Home| The National Road & Motorists Association 3 The Owl Rating is a new initiative of the National Roads and Motorists' Association (NRMA) in partnership with the Council on the Ageing Australia (COTA) and global research company, Gallup. The service has been developed in response to feedback that NRMA Members have difficulty navigating retirement living and aged care, and knowing how to choose the best service providers. The Owl Rating system ranks retirement living services from a personal and emotional perspective. Considerations include the genuine friendliness of staff, the variety of services and activities available, the flexibility and timeliness of services and the look and feel of living spaces. Community Engagement Strategy 15 September 2015

5 Accent 1 Accent 3 Accent 5 Accent 2 Accent 4 Accent 6 R 0 G 163 B 225 R 51 G 183 B 232 R 116 G 198 B 238 R 254 G 213 B 61 R 254 G 228 B 144 R 253 G 220 B 107 Colour Palette Background 1 Text 1 R 255 G 255 B 225 R 0 G 0 B 0 Background 2 Text 2 R 255 G 205 B 0 R 132 G 151 B 158 BEYOND MOTORING Mobility 15 September 2015 Being Home 2025 | The National Road & Motorists Association 4 Community Engagement Strategy Education Advocacy Partnerships

6 Accent 1 Accent 3 Accent 5 Accent 2 Accent 4 Accent 6 R 0 G 163 B 225 R 51 G 183 B 232 R 116 G 198 B 238 R 254 G 213 B 61 R 254 G 228 B 144 R 253 G 220 B 107 Colour Palette Background 1 Text 1 R 255 G 255 B 225 R 0 G 0 B 0 Background 2 Text 2 R 255 G 205 B 0 R 132 G 151 B 158 BEYOND THE ROAD Local Solutions 15 September 2025 Being Home 2025| The National Road & Motorists Association 5 Community Engagement Strategy Engage Understand Respond Measure Regional Community Investment Plans Bring together all the local stakeholders Developed with the local community Understand the local issues Drive local solutions

7 Accent 1 Accent 3 Accent 5 Accent 2 Accent 4 Accent 6 R 0 G 163 B 225 R 51 G 183 B 232 R 116 G 198 B 238 R 254 G 213 B 61 R 254 G 228 B 144 R 253 G 220 B 107 Colour Palette Background 1 Text 1 R 255 G 255 B 225 R 0 G 0 B 0 Background 2 Text 2 R 255 G 205 B 0 R 132 G 151 B 158 BEYOND VOLUNTEERING Blue Angels Being Home 2025| The National Road & Motorists Association 615 September 2025 Harnessing the skills within our member base will enable us to create products, services and platforms that deliver shared value outcomes - business -member –societal Market Places Think Tanks Time Banking Skilled Volunteering Part Time Employment Encore Careers Blurring the lines between the virtual and physical space A COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION MODEL Community Engagement Strategy

8 Accent 1 Accent 3 Accent 5 Accent 2 Accent 4 Accent 6 R 0 G 163 B 225 R 51 G 183 B 232 R 116 G 198 B 238 R 254 G 213 B 61 R 254 G 228 B 144 R 253 G 220 B 107 Colour Palette Background 1 Text 1 R 255 G 255 B 225 R 0 G 0 B 0 Background 2 Text 2 R 255 G 205 B 0 R 132 G 151 B 158 THANK-YOU Sue Wiblin Senior Manager Community Engagement 01 Month 2014 Presentation Title | The National Road & Motorists Association 7

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