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Vex Robotics. Introduction Over the next 4 -5 weeks you will design and build a robot to accomplish a series of challenges. You will work in teams of.

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Presentation on theme: "Vex Robotics. Introduction Over the next 4 -5 weeks you will design and build a robot to accomplish a series of challenges. You will work in teams of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vex Robotics

2 Introduction Over the next 4 -5 weeks you will design and build a robot to accomplish a series of challenges. You will work in teams of 4 or 5 for the duration of the VEX unit. All team members will have an equal share in designing, building reporting and evaluating your robots. Examine your Vex kits.

3 Research Questions 1) What was the first useful/practical robot? 2) Where was it designed and by whom? 3) List 5 current uses for robotics and the technology they replaced. 4) What is meant by the term artificial intelligence? 5) Explain why a robot such as the ones you will build are not considered to be an AI even if they are pre- programmed and function without the remote. 6) List two interesting facts from the Vex Robotics official website. 7) What are the different subsystems of a vex robot? Explain in detail the importance of each one.

4 Problem Design, construct and test a remote controlled vex robot that will be able to compete against another robot in a game of soccer. It will be able to control the ball while travelling and delivering it into the net.

5 Specifications You must use the basic platform design (You may make modifications to it as you proceed) It must be controlled remotely Have a ball control device that does not prevent another robot from taking it away. Have a push limit switch on the back and front bumper. You may use metal, wood or plastic in addition to the material in the Vex kit. You may have to bring it from home.

6 Design Brief All necessary components of a design brief must be completed for this challenge. This include the problem, research questions, ideas/sketches, final design, life-cycle analysis and evaluation questions.

7 Rules 4 Minute Games ½ pt if you go into net with ball 1 pt if you shoot the ball into the net Everybody plays at least two games Contact allowed if playing the ball If a foul is called, a pt will be given to the opposing team

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