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Presentation on theme: "ACAD. SENATE MEETING October 4, 2011. Current CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACAD. SENATE MEETING October 4, 2011


3 The Chancellor’s “vision” of the CSU and what he wants back from us: 1) “Cost Savings” (for the Chancellor!) Proposals that redistribute money from the faculty to Chancellor’s Office. 2) Power Grab (for the Chancellor!) Proposals that take rights from faculty, increase the campus president’s power, and grant new discretion to management. 3) Dismantle the Profession a.k.a Divide & Conquer (the Faculty!) Proposals that undermine the profession, encourage education on the cheap, and weaken the union by dividing faculty.

4 CFA’s proposals have been designed to resist the Chancellor’s “vision” of the CSU and reflect what we value.

5 Faculty need working conditions - -and students deserve learning conditions--that make quality education possible. CFA proposes: Faculty (through campus Senates or other campus curriculum approval processes) should decide the pedagogically appropriate sizes for classes. The contract should enforce these class size limits. If class size limits are exceeded, faculty should be compensated (extra pay or future course-load reductions).

6 No privatization of the CSU: California needs a university that is public and affordable. CFA proposes to Maintain summer pay rates that are based on academic year pay rates. Extend regular academic year pay rates and benefits to all for-credit courses taught through extension. Officially recognize academic freedom in the contract for all faculty work, including extension and online education.

7 Students need a stable faculty workforce. CFA proposes to Increase tenure track-hiring. (With more than 500 tenure-track positions lost in the 2010-2011 alone, the downward trend has accelerated and must be reversed by hiring 500 new TTK faculty.) Maintain three-year and unconditional full-time lecturer appointments. Fully integrate all faculty into the contract—equal rights for counselors, librarians, and coaches. Prevent contracting out of CSU faculty work.

8 Administrative support of faculty as professionals and respecting faculty’s professional judgment is central and critical for quality higher education. CFA’s Proposals are to Guarantee faculty control over curriculum and academic and professional standards to counter the trend toward less faculty involvement in educational decisions such as CSU initiatives: the Graduation Initiative, Extension Expansion, Mandatory Early Start, the American Institutions Requirement, and CSU Online.

9 Quality Education requires investing in CSU Faculty—especially in hard times. CSU Admin proposals: nothing for 2011-2012 and “reopen” bargaining in 2012-13, 2013-14 on salaries and benefits. CFA proposals: Modest raises over next 3 years. Implement equity adjustments for some Associate and Full Professors denied their raises in 2008-2009. Pay GSIs in the first year funding is restored to the 2008-09 year funding level. Pay eligible faculty Service Salary Steps (as all other state employees receive).

10 November 2011 Action Plans November 8 th  Statewide Information Picket Lines Thursday, November 17 th  Concerted Action at East Bay and Dominguez Hills.

11 How do we ensure our planned November actions demonstrate our power & commitment to a fair contract? Commit Cards Hall Walking Communications Education: Nov. 1 Meeting & SQE Presentations

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