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IS473 Distributed Systems CHAPTER 6 Operating System Support.

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1 IS473 Distributed Systems CHAPTER 6 Operating System Support

2 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa2 OUTLINE Applications Computer and network hardware Platform Operating system Middleware

3 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa3 OUTLINE  Distributed Operating System.  Operating System Layer.  Processes and Threads.  Communication and Invocation.  Operating System Architecture.

4 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa4 Network and Distributed OS  Network operating system: Have networking capability to access remote resources. Retain autonomy (استقلال) in managing own resources. Remote resource access not always transparent. Separate system image on each node.  Distributed operating system: Single system image across multiple nodes. Resource access completely transparent. Not practically in use: Compatibility with existing applications. Emulations offer very bad performance. Users prefer a degree of autonomy for their machines.  Middleware and network operating systems combination provides an acceptable balance between the requirement of autonomy and network-transparent resource access.

5 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa5 Operating System Layer Applications, services Computer & Platform Middleware OS: kernel, libraries & servers network hardware OS1 Computer & network hardware Node 1Node 2 Processes, threads, communication,... OS2 Processes, threads, communication,... System layers

6 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa6  Users satisfaction is achieved if middleware-OS combination has good performance. OS running at a node provides its own abstractions of local hardware resources for processing, storage and communication. Middleware utilizes a combination of local resources to implement its mechanisms for remote invocations between objects or processes.  OSs provide support for middleware layer to work effectively: Encapsulation: provide transparent service interface to resources of the computer. Protection: protect resources from illegitimate access. Concurrent processing: users/clients may share resources and access concurrently. Provide the resources needed for (distributed) services and applications to complete their task: Communication and scheduling. Operating System Layer

7 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa7 Operating System Layer Communication manager Thread managerMemory manager Supervisor Process manager Core OS functionality

8 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa8  The core OS components include the following: Process manager: Handles the creation of and operation upon process. Thread manager: Handles thread creation, synchronization and scheduling. Communication manager: Handles communication between threads attached to different processes on the same computer. Some OSs support communication between threads in remote processes. Memory manager: Manages physical and virtual memory. Supervisor: Dispatches interrupts, system call traps and other exceptions. Operating System Layer

9 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa9  Process (program in execution): Unit of resource management for operating system. Execution environment: Address space. Thread synchronization and communication resources (e.g. semaphores). Computing resources (file systems, windows, etc.) Expensive to create and manage.  Threads (lightweight process): Schedulable activities attached to processes. Arise from the need for concurrent activities to share resources within one process. Enable to overlap computation with input and output. Allow concurrent processing of client requests in servers – each request handled by one thread. Easier to create and destroy. Processes and Threads

10 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa10  A unit of management a process’s virtual memory.  Large and consists of one or more regions separated by inaccessible area of virtual memory to allow growth.  A region is an area of contiguous virtual memory accessible by the threads of the owning process.  Each region is specified by: Lowest virtual address and size. Read/write/execute permissions for the process’s threads. Whether can be grown upwards or downwards.  Gaps are left between regions to allow for growth and regions can be overlapped when extended in size.  Data files can be mapped into the address space as an array of bytes in memory. Processes and Threads Address Spaces

11 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa11 Processes and Threads Address Spaces  There are at least three main regions: Text: a fixed unmodifiable region containing program code. Heap: extensible region initialized by values stored in the program binary file. Stack: downward extensible region used by subroutines.  The need to support a separate stack for each thread is the main reason of an indefinite number of regions.  Shared regions are regions of virtual memory mapped to identical physical memory for different processes to enable inter-process communication.

12 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa12 Processes and Threads New Process Creation  An indivisible operation provided by the operating system. The UNIX fork system call creates a process with an execution environment copied from the caller.  But, the creation of a new process in a distributed system can be separated into two independent aspects: The choice of a target host. The creation of an execution environment.  Choice of process host: Determine the node at which the new process will reside according to transfer and location policies for sharing the processing load: The transfer policy determines whether to situate a new process locally or remotely. The location policy determines which node should host a new process.

13 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa13 Processes and Threads New Process Creation  Choice of process host (cont.): Location polices may be static or adaptive: Static location policies operate without regard to the current state of the system based on a mathematical analysis aimed at optimizing the all system and may be deterministic or probabilistic. Adaptive location polices apply heuristics to make the decision based on unpredictable run-time factors on each node. Load sharing system may be centralized, hierarchical or decentralized: One manger component take the decision in the centralized system. There are several mangers organized in a tree structure in hierarchical system and each manger makes the decisions as far down the tree. Nodes in the decentralized system exchange information with one another directly to make allocation decisions using: Sender-initiated algorithm: the node requires creating a new process is responsible for initiating the transfer decisions. Receiver-initiated algorithm: the node with relatively low load advertises its existence other nodes to transfer work to it.

14 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa14 Processes and Threads New Process Creation  Creation of a new execution environment: There are two approaches to defining and initiating the address space of a new created process: The address space is of statically defined format and initialized with zeros. The address space is defined with respect to an existing execution environment. In case of UNIX fork, the newly created child process share the parent’s text region and has its own heap and stack regions. Copy-on-write approach: A general approach of inheriting all regions of the parent process by the child process. An inherited region is logically copied from the parent’s region by sharing its frame between the two address spaces. A page in a region is physically copied when one or other process attempts to modify it.

15 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa15 Processes and Threads New Process Creation a) Before writeb) After write Shared frame A's page table B's page table Process A’s address spaceProcess B’s address space Kernel RA RB RB copied from RA

16 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa16 Processes and Threads Threads Performance  Consider the server has a pool of one or more threads.  Each thread removes a client request from a queue of received requests and process it.  Example: (how multi-threading maximize the server throughput) Request processing: 2 ms I/O delay (no caching): 8 ms Single thread: 10 ms per requests, 100 requests per second. Two threads (no caching): 8 ms per request, 125 requests per second two threads and caching: 75% hit rate mean I/O time per request: 0.75 * 0 + 0.25 * 8ms = 2 ms 500 requests per second increased processing time per request as a result of caching : 2.5 ms 400 requests per second

17 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa17 Processes and Threads Threads Performance Server N threads Input-output Client Thread 2 makes T1 Thread 1 requests to server generates results Requests Receipt & queuing Client and server with threads

18 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa18 Processes and Threads Multi-threaded Server Architectures  There are various ways to mapping requests to threads within a server.  The threading architectures of various implementations are: Worker pool architecture: Pool of server threads serves requests in queue. Possible to maintain priorities per queue. Thread-per-request architecture: Thread lives only for the duration of request handling. Maximizes throughput (no queueing). Expensive overhead for thread creation and destruction. Thread-per-connection/per-object architecture: Compromise solution. No overhead for creation and deletion of threads. Requests may still block, hence throughput is not maximal.

19 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa19 Processes and Threads Multi-threaded Server Architectures a. Thread-per-requestb. Thread-per-connectionc. Thread-per-object remote workers I/O remote I/O per-connection threads per-object threads objects Alternative server threading architectures

20 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa20 Processes and Threads Threads vs. Multiple Processes  Why the multi-threaded process model is preferred than multiple single-threaded processes? Creating a new thread within an existing process is cheaper than creating a process (~10-20 times) New process under Unix: 11ms, new thread under Topaz: 1 ms Switching to a different thread within the same process is cheaper than switching between threads in different processes (~5-50 times). Process switch in Unix: 1.8ms, thread switch in Topaz: 0.4 ms. Threads within a process can share data and other resources more conveniently and efficiently (without copying or messages). No need for message passing. Communication via shared memory. Threads within a process are not protected from each other. One thread can access other thread's data, unless a type-safe programming language is being used

21 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa21 Processes and Threads Threads Programming  Some languages provided direct support for threads concurrent programming (e.g. C, Ada95, Modula-3 and Java).  Java provides Thread class that includes the following methods for creating, destroying and synchronizing threads:  Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name) Creates a new thread, in the SUSPENDED state, belong to group and be identified as name; the thread will execute the run() method of target.  setPriority(int newPriority), getPriority() - Set and return the thread’s priority.  run() - A thread executes the run() method of its target object, if it has one, and otherwise its own run() method.  start() - Change the state of the thread from SUSPENDED to RUNNABLE.  sleep(int millisecs) - Cause the thread to enter the SUSPENDED state for the specified time.  destroy() - Destroy the thread.

22 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa22 Processes and Threads Java Thread Lifetimes  A new thread is created in the SUSPENDED state on the same Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as its creator.  A thread executes run() method after it is made RUNABLE with the start() method.  Threads can be assigned a priority and Java implementations will run a particular thread in preference to any thread with lower priority.  A thread ends its life when it returns from the run() method or when its destroy() method is called.  Programs can manage threads in groups: Thread group is assigned at the time of its creation. thread groups useful to shield various applications running in parallel on one JVM. A thread in one group may not interrupt thread in another group. Thread group facilitates control of the relative priorities of threads.

23 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa23 Processes and Threads Java Thread Synchronization  Each thread’s local variables in methods are private to it.  An object can have synchronized and non-synchronized methods. Example: Synchronized addTo() and removeFrom() methods to serialize requests in worker pool example.  Any object can only be accessed through one invocation of any of its synchronized methods.  Threads can be blocked and woken up via condition variables: Thread awaiting a certain condition calls an object’s wait() method. Other thread calls notify() or notifyAll() to awake one or all blocked threads. Example: When worker thread discovers no requests to be processed calls wait() on instance of Queue. When I/O thread adds request to queue calls notify() method of queue to wake up worker.

24 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa24 Processes and Threads Java Thread Scheduling  A special yield() method is used to enable scheduling of threads to make progress.  There are two types of scheduling threads: Preemptive scheduling threads A thread may be suspended at any point to make away for another thread. Non-preemptive scheduling threads A thread runs until makes a call to the threading system to de-schedule it and schedule another thread to run. A code section without a threading system call is automatically a critical section. Run exclusively and therefore it can not take advantage of a multiprocessor. Must take care long-running code sections that do not contain threading system calls. Unsuitable for real-time applications processed in absolute times.

25 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa25 Processes and Threads Threads Implementation  Many operating system kernels provide support for multi- threaded processes (e.g. Windows NT, Solaris, and Mach). Provide thread creation, management system calls and scheduling individual threads.  Other operating systems have only a single-threaded process abstraction. Multi-threaded processes are implemented by linking a user library of procedures to application programs. Suffer from the following problems: Threads within a process can not take advantage of a multiprocessor. A thread that takes a page fault blocks the entire process and all its threads. Threads within different process can not scheduled according to a single schema of relative prioritization. But have significant advantages: Operations of thread creation are significantly less costly. Allow customizing the thread scheduling module and support more user- level threads to suit particular application requirements.

26 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa26  The advantages of user-level and kernel-level threads implementations can be combined: Mach OS enable user-level code to provide scheduling hints to the kernel’s thread scheduler. Solaris 2 adopts hierarchical scheduling that supports both kernel-level and user-level threads. A user-level scheduler assigns each user-level thread to a kernel-level thread. Take the advantage of a multiprocessor. Disadvantage: still lakes flexibility If a kernel-level thread is blocked, then all user-level threads assigned to it are also prevented from running. Several research projects have developed hierarchical scheduling further to provide greater efficiency and flexibility: FastThreads implementation of a hierarchic event-based scheduling system: Consider the main system components is a kernel running on a computer with one or more processors and a set of application programs running on it. Each application process contains a user-level scheduler to manage its threads. The kernel is responsible for allocating virtual processors to processes. Processes and Threads Threads Implementation

27 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa27 Processes and Threads Threads Implementation Process A B Virtual processors Kernel Process Kernel P idle P needed P added SA blocked SA unblocked SA preempted A. Assignment of virtual processors to processes B. Events between user-level scheduler & kernel Key: P = processor; SA = scheduler activation Scheduler activations

28 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa28  The performance of RPC and RMI mechanisms is a critical factor for effective distributed systems. Clients and servers may make many millions of invocation-related operations in their lifetimes.  Software overheads often predominate over network overheads in invocation times. Invocation times have not decreased in proportion with increases in network bandwidth.  Each invocation mechanism executes a code out of the calling procedure or object scope and involves the arguments communication to the code and the data values return to the caller.  The important performance-related distinctions between invocation mechanisms: Whether they are synchronous or asynchronous. Whether they involve a domain transition. Whether they involve communication across a network. Communication and Invocation Invocation Performance

29 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa29 Communication and Invocation Invocation Performance Control transfer via trap instruction UserKernel Thread User 1 User 2 Control transfer via privileged instructions Thread 1Thread 2 Protection domain boundary (a) System call (b) RPC/RMI (within one computer) Kernel (c) RPC/RMI (between computers) User 1User 2 Thread 1 Network Thread 2 Kernel 2 Kernel 1

30 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa30  A null invocation is an RPC (or RMI) without parameters that execute a null procedure and returns no values. Important to measure a fixed overhead, the latency. Execution time for a null procedure call: Local procedure call< 1 microseconds Remote procedure call~ 10 milliseconds  Much of the delay taken by the actions of the operating system kernel and middleware. Network time involving about 100 bytes (null invocation size) transferred at 100 megabits/sec. accounts for only.01 millisecond.  Factors affecting remote invocation performance: Marshalling/unmarshalling + operation dispatch at the server Data copying:- application -> kernel space -> communication buffers Thread scheduling and context switching Protocol processing:- for each protocol layer Network access delays:- connection setup, network latency Communication and Invocation Invocation Performance 10,000 times slower!

31 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa31  Shared regions may be used for rapid communication between a user process and the kernel or between user processes. Data is communicated by writing to and reading from the shared region without coping them to and from the kernel address spaces.  The delay of a client experiences during request-replay interactions over TCP is not necessarily worse than UDP and it is sometimes better for large messages. The operating system default buffering can be used to collect several small massages and then send them together rather than sending them in separate packets.  Develop a more efficient invocation mechanism for the case of two processes on the same computer, lightweight RPC (LRPC) : Based on optimization concerning data coping and thread scheduling. Use shared regions for client-server communication with a different private region (A stack) between the server and each of its local clients. Each client and the server are able to pass arguments and return values directly via an A stack. Communication and Invocation Invocation Performance

32 Dr. Almetwally Mostafa32 Communication and Invocation Invocation Performance 1. Copy args 2. Trap to Kernel 4. Execute procedure and copy results Client User stub Server Kernel stub 3. Upcall5. Return (trap) A A stack A lightweight remote procedure call

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