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WP 1: Durable community building Päivi Majaranta COGAIN Kick-Off 5.-6.9.2004 Tampere, Finland.

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Presentation on theme: "WP 1: Durable community building Päivi Majaranta COGAIN Kick-Off 5.-6.9.2004 Tampere, Finland."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP 1: Durable community building Päivi Majaranta COGAIN Kick-Off 5.-6.9.2004 Tampere, Finland

2 Objectives  Disseminate information of the objectives and achievements of COGAIN  Create and maintain the COGAIN web portal that will Serve as a communication tool between the network partners and the end users Share up-to-date versions of working documents and software versions Gather and maintain user profile information

3 Tasks 1/2  T1.1 Creating a web page for information distribution Distributing information for researchers, general public, and end users Sharing up-to-date (working) documents and software versions  T1.2 Creating a web-based discussion forum for users, user communities, and developers Daily communication between researchers, developers, and users Feedback from the users to the developers

4 Tasks 2/2  T1.3 Maintaining a user profile database Gathering user performance data automatically Preserving the user’s personal set-up and profile Privacy issues will be considered carefully  T1.4 Starting preparations for making COGAIN a durable activity Legal issues for establishing a COGAIN Foundation will be clarified Establishing and managing a research project portfolio to support joint project applications Supporting and fostering the raising of research funds

5 Deliverables  D1.1 The COGAIN web portal with discussion forums (Month 3)  D1.2 Specifications of the formats used in the user profile database (Month 12 – August 2005)

6 Milestones  M1.1 Fully functional web portal and discussion forum for users, developers and researchers (Month 6 – February 2005)

7 Measurable Indicators IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Percentage of COGAIN3070808590 related email messages sent using addresses Number of program 2581520 libraries, software modules and applications available through the portal Number of reports and 1020355080 publications available through the portal Number of discussion board messages 4080100100100

8 Current Status  domain running  The host machine located in ITU premises, remotely maintained by UTA  Preliminary web pages created Current pages temporary and for information purposes only Fully functional portal with discussion forums will be launched on 1st December 2004  Email aliases created for contact persons Email aliases for all COGAIN participants created soon after the kick-off forename.[middlename.]


10 Estimated Involvement (first 18 months) PartnerMonths UTA14 ITU1,5 BH0,5 DC0,5 RISOE1,5 DTU2 TU DRESDEN1 UNI KO-LD2 UzL2 HP0,5 PartnerMonths POLITO1 SU3 PAB0,5 Tobii1 ACE2,2 UCAM0,5 UOD2 DMU0,3 TIT UNIZH1

11 To Do  Email information to be put on web to News Events, including forthcoming conferences Publications Interesting links and material Forthcoming deadlines for research project proposals Media appearances  Send contact information of all COGAIN related people to  (= Contact persons for organisations and WPs

12 Discussion  Comments, ideas? What kind of email aliases and lists are needed?,, … ? vs. Should we try to prevent the spam search engines in finding the aliases? vs. [forename].[surname][forename].[surname]  Contact person for this WP: Päivi Majaranta  Email address:

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