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End-to-End Efficiency (E 3 ) Integrating Project of the EC 7 th Framework Programme General View of the E3 Prototyping Environment for Cognitive and Self-x.

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Presentation on theme: "End-to-End Efficiency (E 3 ) Integrating Project of the EC 7 th Framework Programme General View of the E3 Prototyping Environment for Cognitive and Self-x."— Presentation transcript:

1 End-to-End Efficiency (E 3 ) Integrating Project of the EC 7 th Framework Programme General View of the E3 Prototyping Environment for Cognitive and Self-x Functionalities Analytical Description of the E3 Prototyping Environment for Cognitive and Self-x Functionalities Stage 1: Initial Topology CPC, Video Server, RAT 1, CME 1, Terminal 1 Brief Introduction The E3 prototyping environment for cognitive and self-x is a platform that provides the means for demonstrating and experimenting with the key innovations introduced by E3. The design of the platform adheres to the service oriented architecture paradigm and it is implemented using C, Java and Web Service. The communication between entities is accomplished with the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) while the end points implement the corresponding interfaces with Java SE 6. The Cognitive Pilot Channel is implemented through the BCCH channel. Content is formulated and transmitted through BCCH System Information Block 15. The HomeNB Management System is based on an open source HMS (OpenACS). Uses the TR-069 protocol for managing HNBs remotely E3 Prototyping Environment for Cognitive and Self-x Functionalities HSDPA Femto-cell Broadband Forum TR-069 protocol is used for Femtocell management: - KPIs collection - Modification of the femtocell parameters Load generator The Traffic Generator module generates measurements coming from a loaded network that can be used by the rest of modules to take decisions. This allows the demonstration of procedures based on decisions dependant on the overall network status involving a multiplicity of nodes, terminals, base stations, etc., which cannot be in practice included in the platform as real nodes Interaction of the traffic generator with the rest of modules based on trace files that give the evolution of different statistics of interest for other modules Stage 2: Terminals connect to CPC Scan for CPC, connect to CPC, obtain Network Profiles, connect to best network Stage 3: Service Initiation Terminals connect to the Video Server and initiate the same video stream Stage 4: Information Dissemination All terminals periodically transmit local information to their neighbors. (Terminal profile, Running services, Attached networks, CPC information, Scan statistics) Stage 5: Exploiting the merits of autonomic and self-* capabilities Terminal decides to connect to RAT 1 through a gateway device ( Initially Terminal 1) Terminal 1 maintains the connection with the Video Server and re-transmits the content to the other terminals. Scenario under Deployment Stage 6: Quality Degradation due to load injection Load is injected in the network -> Received video exhibits serious quality degradation Terminal 1 searches for an alternative Stage 7: Deployment of new network New Wi-Fi network is deployed. New router scans the area to identify the channel on which it should operate In turn the CPC broadcasts new network profile to all connected terminals Terminal 1 decides to detach from RAT 1 and connect to RAT 2 Stage 1: Initial Topology Stage 5: Exploiting the merits of autonomic and self-* capabilities Stage 2: Terminals connect to CPC Stage 6: Quality Degradation due to load injection Stage 4: Information Dissemination Stage 7: Deployment of new network setNetworkProfile and setNetworkProfiles operations are periodic, i.e. take place every x seconds. updateInfo is triggered every y seconds as well as every time the setNetworkProfile is called. Every time that is called evaluates the various available network profiles and deletes all those that have been updated in the last z seconds updateInfo at the Terminal is triggered every time the setNetworkProfile is invoked. The retrieve* methods are invoked every time the ASCM wants to evaluate the received information. The retrieve* methods are implemented by RCM which is designed according to the technical specifications of each device. This step introduces a proof of concept implementation of CCR The Ad-Hoc connections enable the terminals to exchange information regarding their current operation status thus enhancing their ability to autonomously construct clusters. This step highlights the merits of autonomic capabilities introduced by ASCM while also sets the basis for the subsequent demonstration of Self-* capabilities. Assessing the viability of this approach Time required to establish connection (scan, evaluate, connect) Time required to exchange information Quality of received information Stage 5 introduces a number of novel concepts and techniques in WP6 Self organization on device level Collaborative decision making Computational load balancing Autonomic decision making Stage 5 provides the basis for experimentation with various algorithms with respect to Information dissemination in ad- hoc networks Network organization schemes Fairness schemes Stage 7 exactly repeats the actions that took place during Stage 1 but additionally introduces the following novelties: Self organization on network level Autonomic decision making on network level Autonomic decision making on terminal level Automatic Configuration Server TR-069 O&M system KPIs Reconfiguration

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