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Communications Department Let’s Talk and Have Some PIE!

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Presentation on theme: "Communications Department Let’s Talk and Have Some PIE!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communications Department Let’s Talk and Have Some PIE!

2 Meet the Communications Team Emily Conklin Director of Communications Phil Beckman Partners in Education Specialist Jerry Cantu Communications & Community Engagement Coordinator Jerhea Nail Executive Director of Communications & Government Relations Rachel Bobbitt Communications and Multimedia Specialist Cindy Metting Administrative Assistant to Executive Director Karen Wiechman Communications Secretary Melissa Shawn Communications and Web Specialist Kristi Little Records Management Officer

3 Bragging Rights! State and National Recognition

4 Your Thoughts? What does a communications department do? –Discuss at your tables. –Use the chart paper. –Share out with the group.

5 Our Responsibilities Internal Communications Publications and Videos –NISD News e-mails to staff –The Source staff newsletter External Communications Website and Publications –Website –Electronic Newsletters Northwest News e-newsletter

6 Our Responsibilities, continued The NET (Northwest Educational Television) Social Media –Facebook –Twitter –You Tube –Online Photo Gallery District Events –Convocation –Dedication, Renaming, Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies –Inspire Celebration –Community Night at the Stadium

7 Our Responsibilities, continued Marquee on Highway 114 District Photography Partners in Education –Volunteer Training & Tracking –Community and Business Partners –Programs and Events * School Supply Drive* Angel Tree * Northwest Reads* United Way Campaign

8 Our Responsibilities, continued Media Relations Public Information Requests/Student Records Policies and Administrative Regulations Surveys – Internal & External

9 Incident Command Center 2012-2013 District Improvement Plan Supports District Goal IV: NISD will provide premier facilities and support systems that enhance a positive learning environment and foster student and community pride Housed at the administration building 2 rooms Equipped with: Phones TV screens Crisis Communications Team

10 Change: Phone Calls Clarification from FCC to TPCA District will not make automated phone calls for any non-emergency. What is an emergency? Will have more clear opt-in procedures to re-establish automated calls soon! This is our number one preferred method.

11 Bad Weather Procedures District administration monitors weather conditions and forecasts Normally a decision is made prior to 5:30 a.m. Custodial staff monitors exterior entrances Durham arrives early to ensure buses are warm Use normal communication methods to close

12 Branding NISD Our brand is our PROMISE. Solidify NISD’s REPUTATION as an educational leader. Create district IDENTITY that elicits positivity, respect and admiration. Consistently use district colors and logo to develop immediate RECOGNITION.

13 Phased Out This District Logo Incorporate the New District Logo and “Every Student Future Ready” Branding NISD – The Logo & Tagline

14 I Love NISD Partnership with PTA and NEF Increase awareness about NISD Raise funds to benefit NISD students, teachers, and programs Community pride Tell us what you love! More information, contact NEF!NEF!

15 Connect with Us

16 Northwest News eNewsletter Community Dashboard Connect with Us

17 Rank Your Communications School Messenger District eNewsletter Northwest News NISD Website Facebook Twitter YouTube Printed, mailed newsletter The NET videos (Northwest Educational Television, video-on- demand) Text Messages Mobile App

18 True or False More than 1,100 presentations were given by students in 2014-2015?

19 True or False NISD has eight career academies. –Can you name them all?

20 True or False More than 8,000 students participate in fine arts.

21 True or False More than 185 service learning projects by NISD students in 2014-2015.

22 Points of Pride When you think of Northwest ISD, what makes you the most proud? –Discuss at your tables. Why did you choose NISD? –Log on to Twitter and tag @NorthwestISD –Use #nisdproud Share with the community!

23 Partners in Education

24 NISD Student Demographics Ethnic Distribution: Caucasian 70% Hispanic 18% African American 6% Other 6% Economically Disadvantaged: 4,130 3,292 on Free Lunch Program 838 on Reduced-Lunch Program Homeless population: 60

25 Engaging Volunteers, Communities & Businesses with Schools Through Partners in Education, Northwest ISD offers multiple opportunities to build mutually beneficial partnerships between the district, our campuses and the community.

26 The Mission of Partners in Education To enhance student learning, Partners in Education will create and sustain mutually beneficial relationships between Northwest ISD and the community.

27 Become a Mentor o Meet one-on-one with students. o Visit your student for at least 30 minutes weekly at a pre-arranged time. o Mentors are required to: Complete a background check A mentor application Attend an Orientation o The next orientation will be held on October 22 at 12 p.m.

28 Become a Volunteer o Angel Tree o Stuff the Bus/Back to School Fair o Junior Achievement o Northwest Reads o Watch D.O.G.S. o PTA/PTSAs o And more

29 Other Ways to Become Involved In-Kind Donations o School Supplies o Non-Perishable Food for Snack Sacks o And more Ideas o Organize a drive o Coordinate student/staff recognition o Offer incentives for students and teachers o Serve on a committee

30 Become an Partner in Education

31 Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities o Oct. 22Mentor Orientation o Nov. 2-Dec. 4NISD Virtual Angel Tree o Nov. 6 JA in a Day at Granger o Nov. 18Mentor Orientation o Dec. 3JA in a Day at Schluter o Jan. 29JA in a Day at Haslet o April 29Northwest Reads o Summer 2016Stuff the Bus School Supply Drive

32 Phil Beckman 817-215-0172 Jerry Cantu 817-215-0056 Connect with PIE! Twitter @NorthwestISDPIE

33 Policy Development A cooperative effort between the administration and school board within the roles defined by law. –Policy recommendations is a task for administrators –Policy adoption is a school board activity

34 Policy Online eID=1

35 Types of Policy Legal Policies –Statements of law –Included in the policy manual –Are not adopted by the school board Legally referenced policies recite state or federal laws or regulations and other sources of legal authority. The policies are identified by the “(LEGAL)” in the upper right corner and lower left corner of each page. Local policies –Reflect decisions of the school board regarding the educational needs of students and values of the community –Adopted by the school board

36 Policy Coding Seven sections –A Basic District Foundations –B Local Governance –C Business and Support Services –D Personnel –E Instruction –F Students –G Community and Governmental Relations

37 Administrative Regulations Process to implement district policy Coordinated through the district administrators according to each persons area of responsibility Define standard operating procedures Allow room for professional discretion and judgment as appropriate Reviewed and revised by administrators as policy changes warrant, in addition to an annual review Regs are not adopted by the board

38 NISD Communications

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