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ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 Communications and advocacy working group update.

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Presentation on theme: "ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 Communications and advocacy working group update."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 Communications and advocacy working group update

2 ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 Working group members Beth Kurylo, Chair (ITI) Jennifer Leopold, Chair (RTI) Julia Ajayi (CBM) Anna Massey (SSI) Isabella Montgomery (ICTC) Bill Nigut (ITI) Paige Rohe (TCC) Annike Spiller (Trust) Sally Watson (FHF)

3 ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 Terms of reference To develop and implement the ICTC communications and advocacy plan, including branding To ensure consistency in branding of ICTC materials and messages To coordinate member resources for the promotion of trachoma elimination To promote relevant media initiatives for ICTC activities To support relevant media and PR initiatives, providing technical guidance and input as required To develop and disseminate the ICTC annual report

4 ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 Activities so far Produced a draft communications strategy Target audiences and outcomes Key moments and activities Collaborated on a trachoma briefing for the Guardian – to be published shortly Produced the ICTC trifold brochure for GET 2020 Shared resources and ideas

5 ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 ICTC brochure Highlights ICTC and broader sector accomplishments over 10 years Audience is trachoma community (partners, country programs, donors) and the broader NTD community Members to distribute at relevant meetings RTI supported printing

6 ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 Future activities – countdown to 2020 Support the Trust’s communications plan Revitalize the website Produce the ICTC annual report Media Map member media contacts Develop a list of spokespeople Support PR initiatives Social media Build a database of case studies and images

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