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Welcome to Back to School Night Anatomy & Physiology Kate Howell Voic x3581.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night Anatomy & Physiology Kate Howell Voic x3581."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night Anatomy & Physiology Kate Howell Voicemail: x3581

2 Material Covered Human Body Systems (organs, functions, diseases) Chick development (hatching chicks) - possibility Dissection (sheep heart, cow eye, fetal pig)

3 Grading 30% - Major Assessments and/or Major Projects 3-4 major assessments each marking period (may include lab tests) 30% - Minor Assessments and/or Minor Projects Includes: lab write-ups, essays, quizzes 10% - Quarterly Assessments Given approximately at the end of each marking period 20% - Classwork Laboratory work (data collection, working with equipment, etc.), group work (presentations, white-boarding, etc.), note taking, and journaling 10% - Homework Expect homework almost every night (NO LATE HOMEWORK ACCEPTED)

4 Home Access Center Grades are updated regularly (couple times each week) If no score is entered for an assignment, it does not mean that is a zero (just not entered yet) A score of 0 will be entered if it was never turned in or no credit was earned

5 Policies No late homework No work accepted after work is handed back graded Absences Extra Help

6 Online Textbook Available from my website ( Username: bensalem1516 Password: Bensalem2015

7 Stay Updated Remind (formerly Remind101) Text: @aandpbhs To: 81010

8 Thank you for coming!

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